Tiger Balm: composition, benefit, when is it prohibited?

Tiger Balm composition benefit when is it prohibited

Stuffy nose, muscle aches, sore throat… Tiger balm is a traditional remedy from Asia known to relieve many minor ailments. What is its main component? What are the differences between red and white? How to use it ? When to avoid it?

Very old remedy, the tiger balm is a natural ally to relieve the pains muscles or symptoms of common cold, of back pain, of the Insect bites… Be careful however to use it with precautions because its essential oils are strong !

This is a ointment developed by a chinese herbalist at the end of the 19th century. It was used by Chinese emperors to relieve many minor health problems. This product exists in two versions: red tiger balm and white tiger balm.

It is the most known. “It contains a plus large amount of mint essence than the “white” version as well as Cajuput essential oil, explains Sylvie Hampikian, pharmacologist specializing in phyto-aromatherapy. Rather, it will be advisable for inflammation, muscle and osteoarticular pain as well as for the back pain and lumbar weaknesses.

It is a little less potent, but contains eucalyptus essential oil. “It will rather be used for nasal congestion, sinusitis, rhinitis, torticollis, headaches, coughs, colds as well as insect bites“, recommends Sylvie Hampikian.

Despite its name, it does not contain no extracts of animal origin. “It contains essential oils of clove (between 1 and 2%), of cajuput (about 7%), of Cinnamon And Eucalyptusof peppermint essential oil (about 10%) as well as camphor (up to 25%) and menthol (about 10%), explains Sylvie Hampikian. All in one database petroleum jelly to facilitate its application.

Muscle aches

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic action, it relaxes the muscles. It is a sovereign remedy to calm the torticollisTHE acheslow back pain and neck pain. To be used in gentle circular massages on the affected area.

Joint pain

Its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving actions make it possible to calm the pains of arthritisof osteoarthritis and rheumatism in gentle local massage at the level of the knees, the hip, the ankles or the shoulder.

For sportive people

Used before exercise in massage and friction, it warms the muscles and activates blood circulation. An asset to improve performance but also to prevent sprains, cramps, strains, muscle strains and tears. After the session, it reduces physical fatigue and promotes muscle recovery, thus avoiding the occurrence of aches and cramps. To be used in circular massages.

Abdominal pain

To calm the spasms caused by painful menstruation, constipation or diarrhea, take a dab of Tiger Balm and massage your belly or lower abdomen in a clockwise direction for 5 minutes.

Headaches and migraines

It overcomes headaches thanks to the cooling and pain-relieving effects of menthol. Massage very little into the forehead, temples and back of the neck. Avoid the eyes.

Insect bites

Tiger Balm can reduce the intensity of the itching. Apply a pinhead of product to the pimple. Repeat 3 to 4 times a day.

Colds, sinusitis and sore throat

Thanks to eucalyptus essential oil, it decongests the nose and has an antibacterial action. Apply a little to the nostrils if they are not irritated or on a handkerchief to breathe. You can also perform an inhalation with a small amount of Tiger Balm in a bowl of very hot water. Against hoarseness and sore throat, apply a little balm on the throat and massage.

Against the cold

In winter, massage your feet and hands with a dab of product: by activating blood circulation, it provides a pleasant feeling of warmth. Then put on socks and gloves.

The formula exists in the form of balms to be used in massage or inhalation, and in patch version.

In case of ENT problem (colds, sinusitis, etc.), use the product as a balm to apply to the nose if the skin is not irritated, or as an inhalation by putting a small amount of product in a bowl of very hot water.

In case of muscle pain and joints, abdominal pain or headaches, opt for the balm version: take a dab of this galenic and massage in circular motions on the painful area. You can also use a patch to stick on the painful area.

In case of sting, apply a pinhead of balm to the pimple and let it sit. Repeat 3 to 4 times a day.

“Due to the presence of essential oils and camphor neurotoxic in its composition, this product is contraindicated children under 10, pregnant and breastfeeding women”says Sylvie Hampikian.

He should not be applied to injured or irritated skin, as well as on sensitive areas such as the eye contour and mucous membranes. It should not be drunk. After use, remember to wash your hands well.

You will find it in pharmacies, parapharmacies as well as in certain herbalists, sometimes even in certain sports stores.

Thanks to Sylvie Hampikian, pharmacologist specialized in phyto-aromatherapy.
