Tidel Voters would rather re -prioritize than borrow to the defense

Around SEK 300 billion in loans until 2035 will finance the now rapidly accelerated renovation of the Swedish defense and within five years it is expected that 3.5 percent of GDP will be spent on defense investments. That was the message from the time parties at a press conference in Rosenbad on Wednesday.

The support for equipment is also great among the public. It shows a new examination from the indicator.

A total of 65 percent say that it is a very good or fairly good increased defense spending is a good political proposal. And it has increased significantly in just a few years. When the corresponding question was asked by the SOM Institute in 2020, the figure was 37 percent of respondents.

– We see that there is a very large popular support for the proposal to increase defense spending. The proposal is even more popular with the time voters – where as much as 77 percent support the proposal, says Per Oleskog Tryggvason, opinion manager at the indicator.

– Noteworthy is also that only 10 percent think it is very or quite bad to increase defense spending, he says.

Tax increases and savings

While the renovation is welcomed by many, there are shared opinions on how it should be financed.

According to the survey, every fifth of the respondents state that they want the investments to be financed with loans, as many who want it to be made through tax increases.

Instead, the largest group, 29 percent, wants to see that this is done by saving in other areas.

– Precisely the view of increased taxes and saving in other areas is clearly ideologically embossed, says Per Oleskog Tryggvason.

Above all, it is the time parties’ own voters who had preferred re -prioritization as a source of financing, where almost half indicate it in response. The corresponding figure at the opposition parties’ voters is 16 percent.

Even in the question of tax increases, a certain difference is visible depending on where you have your party political residence, where clearly more of the opposition parties’ voters, 30 percent, see it as the best option, compared with 10 percent of the voters of the timetables.
