Thus, Ukraine would benefit from Western fighters

Thus Ukraine would benefit from Western fighters

The F-16 fighters are modern compared to Ukraine’s current fleet, says Inka Niskanen, head teacher of air warfare at the National Defense University.

Ukraine is trying to limit the activities of the Russian Air Force with the help of Western fighters, says the head teacher of air warfare, Lt. Col. Inka Niskanen From the National Defense University. Another goal, according to Niskanen, is to affect Russia’s anti-aircraft systems.

Currently, the Ukrainian Air Force flies old Soviet MiG and Sukhoi fighters. Compared to them, the American-made F-16 fighters are modern, says Niskanen, who visited the A-studio on Monday evening. According to him, with the help of newer equipment, Ukraine would be able to operate against the enemy further away than at present.

– When we get longer-range equipment, the operation of the Russian Air Force can be disputed. At the moment, Russia has a clear advantage.

The United States has given its allies permission to supply F-16 fighters to Ukraine. Many European countries are removing them from their air forces. Niskanen estimates that for that reason Ukraine could get several dozen fighter jets.

According to Niskanen, months of training work lie ahead before the fighters are deployed.

– It is not enough to only train pilots. Mechanics also need to be trained. Such machines require maintenance after each flight.

The entire A-studio broadcast can be viewed at Areena.

You can discuss the topic until Tuesday at 11 p.m.
