Are you one of those players who have never gotten an epic item from defeating world bosses in Throne and Liberty? Amazon Games now explains the loot rules in detail.
What about the loot from world bosses? Since the launch of Throne and Liberty, players have repeatedly complained about the low drop chances of world bosses. Even with regular participation, many have not been able to take home an epic loot. Therefore, Amazon Games announced several measures:
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What about the article? This is exactly what has been online for a short time (via Below we summarize the most important things for you.
Loot rules for peaceful world bosses and guild raids
When a boss dies in peace mode, the loot is distributed based on each player’s individual contribution. So you have to make a minimum contribution in order to receive loot from the boss, and there are two types of loot:
Example: A world boss drops the following loot when defeated:
Assuming you meet the minimum contribution requested: If your contribution is 3 percent of the total, you have a 3 percent chance of receiving the sword or mask. All participants in the battle who have made the minimum contribution also have an equal chance of getting the boots, regardless of the total contribution. In any case, you can only receive one drop.
Loot rules for PvP world bosses
For world and arch bosses in conflict mode, loot is awarded in a two-stage process. Loot is first allocated to a guild and then to players within the guild. Each guild has a chance of loot based on the sum of the contribution made by all members.
Please note: If you die in battle (even by another player), a character loses 70 percent of his or her previous individual contribution, which ultimately also reduces the guild contribution.
Of course, there is also a minimum contribution that a guild must meet in order for its contribution to be counted. Finally, the distribution of loot items is done randomly according to the guild contribution. Once a loot item has been assigned to a guild, all participating players within the guild have an equal chance of receiving the item.
Example: A boss drops the following loot:
If players A, B and C contribute 10%, 15% and 20% respectively and all belong to the same guild, the total guild contribution is 45%. This means the guild has a 45% chance of getting the sword and mask. If the guild gets the mask, players A, B and C have an equal chance of getting it.
Loot rules for other world content
Different rules apply when farming in the open world or in Abyssal dungeons, quests, contracts, dynamic events and enemy loot from co-op dungeons:
All items, shouldant and experience are distributed evenly if possible. Example: If there are 10 items for a group of 5 players, each player receives 2 items. If an even distribution is not possible, the system will distribute the additional loot randomly.
What do you think of these loot rules? Would you like to see changes? Tell us in the comments. You can find out what else Amazon Games and NCSoft are planning for the MMORPG in this article: Throne and Liberty announces “great changes” and receives a lot of praise from the community