Thriller series conquers Netflix-it is considered a hard version of a series masterpiece and begins with exploding yachts

Thriller series conquers Netflix it is considered a hard version of

The family can sometimes be a real burden. This insight is in the core of the Succession Series master plant and plays a role in many other large stories in the stream. So also im Netflix-Hit Medusa: In the thriller series, a young businesswoman tries to educate the attack on her life. And the love relatives is primarily suspicious.

Medusa on Netflix unleashes a family war with exploding yachts

Medusa is about an assassination attempt: Bárbara Hidalgo (Juana Acosta) is part of the mighty Colombian Hidalgo family, whose group has an international weight. She will soon move up as a managing director when an event throws her completely off the track. During an excursion explodes your yacht.

At first Bárbara disappeared, but soon crossed up with memory gaps. The investigator Danger Carmelo (Manolo Cardona) should clarify the case. Many of her relatives have reasons that the young woman murder for greed for power and personal reasons to want. While she slowly regains her memory, she begins to look at her own person in new light.

This is what the series charts on Netflix currently look like:

So far, Medusa has 12 episodes, each of which lasts about 40 minutes. The Colombian series started on March 5 at Netflix. It is not yet known what it looks like with a second season: an official extension of the series is still pending. Persistent Netflix success will drastically increase the chances of a sequel.
