Thriller masterpiece Psycho has one of the most insane horror shocks of all time

Thriller masterpiece Psycho has one of the most insane horror

Some films not only become classics but even penetrate into people’s daily lives. That includes Alfred Hitchcock’s masterful milestone Psycho, which arguably shaped the shower forever.

Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho has at least two scenes for eternity

In the film’s plot, secretary Marion Crane (Janet Leigh) plans to elope with $40,000 stolen from her boss and her lover. On the run, she lands in the rain at night in the remote motel of Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins), where a murderous secret waiting for her.

Watch a German trailer for Psycho here:

Alfred Hitchcock Presents Psycho – Trailer (German)

After less than an hour, Hitchcock’s milestone is overwhelming one of the most shocking horror surprises in film history. While Janet Leigh was advertised as the big star of Psycho at the time, her character died after just under 50 minutes.

In the unforgettable shower scene Marion is killed by numerous stab wounds, which Hitchcock orchestrates with a masterful montage of quick cuts and haunting music by composer Bernard Herrmann.

In addition to this iconic sequence, Psycho’s perfectly composed imagery influenced countless later films such as Halloween, Friday the 13th and Scream. And then there’s also the end, for which Hitchcock, in addition to the unmistakable shower scene, again the biggest twist ever unpacks.

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