Three-year-old boy dead – fell from the 29th floor: “Heard screams”

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It was around 11.10 on Saturday that the police in Harlem, New York, received an alarm call about a child who had been found on a scaffolding on the third floor, wearing only a diaper and a yellow t-shirt, reports the New York Post.

– My baby, my baby, he’s up there, his crushed mother must have written from the street below.

Three-year-old boy dies after falling from 29th floor in New York

A video from a passing witness shows the tragic event in front of the house, when the woman falls to the ground, while the rescue personnel try to comfort her. The boy was taken to Harlem Hospital where he was pronounced dead.

Neighbors have told the New York Post that they heard what sounded like a bang when the boy fell. Witnesses have also said that the child’s father tried to climb on the scaffolding to reach the child, but without success.

Neighbor: “A big quarrel”

According to another neighbor, her children must have heard “a big noise” coming from the balcony on the 29th floor, and less than 10 minutes later a thump was heard. This writes the New York Post.

– When you looked out on the terrace you could see the baby’s body. He was wearing a diaper and a t-shirt, the witness states, and continues:

– Then you heard screams. I think the mother was screaming, I checked and then the child was on the scaffolding.

According to information to New York Post the police believe that the boy’s death was an accident, and that the boy went out on the balcony when the parents were in another room. Then he must have climbed up on a chair and fallen over the edge.
