Three white moose filmed in Värmland – rare phenomenon

Three white moose suddenly appeared near the tractor when Filip Carlsson was out driving in high -level in Värmland.
The phenomenon, called leucism, means that the animals cannot store pigment.
– There are about 40-50 in Värmland, it is super cool, says biologist Tom Arnbom in after five.

In the midst of the tractor, Filip Carlsson got a view of the rare moose, which NWT first reported on. The moose ate dinner and were not frightened by the sound on the tractor when Filip filmed them up close.

Not Albino

Leucism means that the moose produces pigment but cannot store it, which gives the white color. However, they completely lack the red eyes that characterize albinism.

– They produce dye. But then they lose it, it just runs out, says Tom Arnbom.

Occasionally, the white moose show up, but it is rare to see three at one and the same time. Tom Arnbom suspects that the three moose are a cow with their two kids, and the congenital condition is hereditary. The kids get the white color from both the mother and the father.

For good and evil

The light animals are not treated differently by other moose and behave like any moose. However, the white color means different advantages and disadvantages depending on the season.

– In winter they are more difficult to see for predators, but in summer they are easier, says Arnbom.

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