Three types of stomach ache for which you should seek treatment

Doctor Marcus explains in Nyhetsmorgon that doctors often divide pain in the stomach into different categories, to get closer to the cause.

  • Mixed pain. Here it hurts high up in the stomach, often in the stomach. It can appear after eating or drinking coffee and wine.

  • “Bang on” pain. The pain comes on quickly and is persistent, and often gets worse over time.

  • Inflammatory pain. Is a dull, deep pain, which often occurs when you move. Often deals with appendicitis.

  • Stone pain. Often deals with kidney stones or gallstones. The pain often subsides when moving and comes in intervals.

  • Marcus Olausson’s advice is to always seek emergency care if you feel “bang on pain”. In other cases, self-treatment or a visit to a health center can help.

    1. Pain in the diaphragm

    In Nyhetsmorgon, the doctor answered the viewers’ questions about stomach pains.

    Among other things, a viewer asked about pain in the diaphragm. It is probably due to gastritis, according to Dr. Marcus. It is a common condition and usually resolves on its own.

    – But if you have had this for the first time, if you are over 50, or in connection with weight loss, then you should seek treatment at the health centre.

    2. Pain after fried food

    Another viewer wondered about nausea and stomach ache after eating fried food.

    – It sounds like gallstones, says Dr. Marcus.

    Here he advises seeking medical attention if it has happened more than once. He also explains that gallstones can become an acute condition. It is usually noticed by a high fever and severe malaise.

    – Then you search at once.

    3. Abdominal pain and dark stools

    A third viewer wondered about abdominal pain and long trips to the bathroom with dark stools.

    – It could be constipation, but since the faeces are also dark, I would guess that there is some bleeding high up in the stomach, perhaps in the stomach. This needs to be investigated further.

    However, he emphasizes that you should seek medical attention immediately if there is blood in the stool.

    – Then it’s urgent, says Dr. Marcus.
