Three to hospital after crash

Man shot in the subway tunnel in Södertälje


  • Three to hospital after crash

    Three to hospital after crash

    Two cars have collided with each other on national highway 63 in Hällefors municipality. According to police, it is a side air. A total of seven people were in the two cars.

    Three people were taken to hospital by ambulance. The injury situation is unclear.

  • Scooter driver collided with trees – taken to hospital

    Scooter driver collided with trees – taken to hospital

    A scooter driver has been taken to hospital by ambulance helicopter after colliding with a tree in Åsele in Västerbotten, reports SVT News Västerbotten.

    The accident occurred during the morning and the driver was awake and talkable, says the rescue service.

  • Alarm: Orienteer is stuck

    Alarm: Orienteer is stuck

    A woman who participated in an orientation competition in Degerfors is stuck, reports P4 Örebro.

    The woman is stuck with her knee between a few stones and does not get rid of.

    Rescue services have been alerted to the scene to help her.

    According to the competition’s pioneers, it is a difficult terrain.

    – It’s a slightly more difficult track with a lot of stones and tricky terrain, he says.

    The woman is not seriously injured.

  • CRACK between three cars in Vallentuna

    CRACK between three cars in Vallentuna

    A traffic accident occurred at half past twelve on Saturday on Norrtaljevägen in Vallentuna.

    Police, salvage and ambulance have been alerted to the scene.

    – There are three passenger cars that have collided and the road is closed in both directions, says police spokesman Per Fahlström.

    Police on site release traffic alternately.

  • Pope Francis blesses on Sunday

    Pope Francis. File image. Photo: Alessandra Tarantino/AP/TT

    Pope Francis blesses on Sunday

    Pope Francis will appear in an official context for the first time since he was admitted to hospital on February 14.

    He is expected to give a blessing from the hospital where he is cared for.

    Francis, 88, has been cared for for double -sided pneumonia and further complications at the Gemelli Hospital in Rome.

    “Pope Francis wants to wave and give a blessing from the hospital Agostino Gemelli after the Angelus prayer has been held,” the Vatican writes in a statement. At the Angelus prayer also takes place, and it is usually held at twelve o’clock on Sundays.

    Usually it is an opportunity when a pope, in addition to blessing, can also comment on current issues.

    The signal from the Vatican about the Pope’s condition, which on several occasions has been critical, shows that Francis intends to try to participate in the intense religious obligations before and during the Easter week.

  • China can send peacekeeping forces to Ukraine

    China can send peacekeeping forces to Ukraine

    China opens to send peacekeeping forces to Ukraine at a ceasefire, according to German Welt’s sources.

    Chinese diplomats have submitted the proposal in the EU and according to information, China’s participation would increase the likelihood of Russia agreeing on peacekeeping forces.

    Britain and France have already announced that they want to see soldiers on Ukrainian land at a ceasefire.

  • The flu top is reached

    This year’s flu top seems to be reached, according to the Public Health Authority. File image. Photo: Martina Holmberg / TT

    The flu top is reached

    The cases of flu decreases for the second week in a row and the top is now probably reached, according to the Public Health Authority.

    “The spread of infection reached its peak later compared to the previous seasons,” says state epidemiologist Magnus Gisslén.

    Last week, more than 25 percent fewer influenza cases were reported in Sweden than the week before and now the spread of infection in society is at a medium level.

  • The number of goldfish increases in Swedish waters

    The number of goldfish increases in Swedish waters

    Aquarium fish risks competing out domestic species in Swedish water, reports P4 Gothenburg.

    This is stated by the SLU Artdatabanken, which in its new risk classification classifies the species as “high risk”.

    The dark figure is probably large because they can change color in natural environments, according to the Marine and Water Authority.

  • Great effort – man and woman injured

    Great effort – man and woman injured

    Right now, a great effort is underway in Sundbyberg, north of Stockholm.

    – It seems to be some form of serious abuse, but we do not yet know what criminal classification it will be. It seems that a man and a woman have been exposed, says Per Fahlström from the police.

    – We try to find out what has happened. We’ll see what it lands in, says Per Fahlström.

  • Support for Trump stable – 48 percent make thumbs up

    US President Donald Trump photographed during the election campaign last fall in North Carolina. Photo: Chris Seward/AP/TT

    Support for Trump stable – 48 percent make thumbs up

    President Donald Trump’s policy seems to go home among the countrymen. The proportion of Americans who think the country is developing in the right direction has not been so high since 2004.

    Two months into the term of office, just over 43 percent think the United States is developing in the right direction. This compared with 28 percent on January 20, when Trump swore the office and moved into the White House, according to Real Clear Politic’s compilation of current measurements.

    The “US first” priorities in general, including the cuts in the state apparatus and the promised deportations of paperless migrants, are among the president’s more popular policy, according to US media.

    In general, 48 percent believe that Trump is doing well as president. The support is more stable than when the Republican began his first term of office in 2017 – and significantly higher than average of 41.1 percent during Trump’s first four years in the White House, notes the Gallup opinion Institute.

  • After the fire – Heathrow open again

    After the fire – Heathrow open again

    Heathrow in London has reopened, writes The Guardian.

    The major airport was closed during Friday following a fire that caused an extensive power outage in western London.

    However, several airlines warn that delays may occur in the coming days.

  • Brothers tate back in Romania

    Andrew Tate, right, talks to the press after returning to Romania with his brother Tristan, left. Photo: Vadim Ghirda/AP/TT

    Brothers tate back in Romania

    Rape -accused influencer Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan landed in Bucharest in Romania on Saturday after spending several weeks in the United States.

    The brothers left Romania at the end of February after their restrictions to leave the country. 38-year-old Andrew Tate and 36-year-old Tristan were arrested in the country at the end of 2022 accused of, among other things, rape, trade in minors and for organizing a criminal group for sexual exploitation of women in Romania. They will set up in court on March 24.

    The brothers are also investigated for various crimes in both the United States and the United Kingdom, where they are also citizens.

    Andrew Tate announced on Saturday that he will return to Bucharest to prove that he is innocent. The brothers have denied all charges.

  • Dog has bitten to death dog

    Dog has bitten to death dog

    A larger, loose -running dog has bitten a smaller dog in Malmö.

    The incident occurred late on Friday night.

    When the police arrived at the scene, the bigger dog’s owner, a man in his 60s, had managed to connect the dog.

    The incident is investigated as damage and violation of the law on the supervision of dogs and cats.

  • Västerås cancels agreement with healthcare company

    Västerås cancels agreement with healthcare company

    Following suspicions of serious fraud and systematic cheating, the City of Västerås cancels its agreement with the healthcare company Attendo. Now 500 people lose their job and close to 1,000 users lose their home service.

    The City of Västerås has also submitted a police report and requires Attendo for damages.

    A preliminary investigation has been initiated and several people are suspected of serious fraud, writes the magazine The municipal worker.

  • George Foreman is dead

    George Foreman is dead

    American heavyweight boxer George Foreman is dead. He turned 76.

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