Three tips from parennials for more spontaneous parenting

Three tips from parennials for more spontaneous parenting

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    Far from the principles and injunctions of their own parents, the younger generations seem to have invented a new parenting, freer and lighter on a daily basis. Here are 3 lessons that we can learn from for a harmonious family life.

    Lax, new parents? No, but what is certain is that they consider parenthood in a more spontaneous way than their elders. According to an OpinionWay survey for Evian, “parennials” (a contraction of parents and millennials), these parents born between 1980 and 2000, bathed in mental and emotional burden, no longer want to pretend, and rely on transparency. With a sort of mantra: life as a parent is not always simple, but you might as well get involved in it without fear. Here are three tips to take from this new parenthood.

    We no longer aim for perfection

    The survey tells us above all that 58% of young people questioned between 18 and 34 years old feel less anxious about parenthood, freed from the worry of taking on a family. For what ? Because testimonies and social networks repeat it today: motherhood and parenthood in general are not 100% perfect. On the other hand, by discussing and informing oneself it seems possible to find solutions. So there’s no point stressing out about wanting to be the perfect parent, there’s no such thing! Being a parent who does your best is more than enough.

    The emotional relationship is more important than authority

    Grandparents may not agree. But this new generation of parents is much more into “emotional ties” than “authority ties”. 76% of respondents also believe that young parents develop an almost friendly rather than authoritarian relationship with their children.

    This does not mean that the framework is absent from the family, because parents still know today that limits are important for a child to grow well, but there is no longer any brake on demonstrating love for their child. . Better still, the emotional bond has become a pillar in helping your child grow in the right direction. We don’t deprive ourselves of it!

    Fun is found in family

    Finally, the way you view your family has also changed. Among parennials, the notion of sacrifices is gone, that of having to put oneself on hold to give to one’s child or of separating the time of the parents and that of the children. Today, parents go out, travel and engage in activities they enjoy, but accompanied by their children. We like going out to restaurants with them, sharing moments and seeing our friends together. “It’s almost a ‘lifestyle’ parenting open to life, which is envisaged, compatible with travel, leisure and life changes, without any renunciation” analyzes sociologist Ronan Chastellier in the OpinionWay survey. “Parennials are more in the search for hedonism in a new form, that is to say hedonism with a child, baby or even infant, which does not completely abolish constraints, but tends to clearly attenuate them ” he continues.

    Imperfect, loving and including children in their habits, parennials seem to have found the recipe for everyday spontaneity.

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