Three terrorist attacks a week raises fears of a new cycle of violence in Israel – indications of Isis’ actions for the first time in years

Three terrorist attacks a week raises fears of a new

It is not yet known whether the attacks have been coordinated or whether the attackers have acted independently. Police have raised their readiness.

Israel fears a new round of violence after three terrorist attacks in a week. A total of 11 people have been killed in the attacks, and in addition, the perpetrators have been shot.

Late on Tuesday, at least five people were killed when a motorcycle gunman fired a machine gun into the streets east of Tel Aviv in Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods. Police shot the perpetrator, who was a Palestinian from the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

So far, no Palestinian group or other group has said they have carried out the attack.

Isis has taken his name in the previous two attacks. However, at least the connection has not been confirmed so far. The perpetrators of the attacks were Israeli Arabs, apparently inspired by Isis. At least one of the perpetrators has been convicted in the past of his Isis connections.

The Prime Minister of Israel Naphtali Bennettin a meeting of its Security Council is scheduled for Wednesday. Bennett has warned that Israel could face a “murderous wave of Arab terrorism.”

Is this an organized attack?

It is not yet known whether the attacks have been coordinated or whether the attackers have acted independently.

Police have raised their readiness to the highest level in the country, and the Israeli military has announced an increase in its forces in the West Bank.

President of the Palestinians Mahmoud Abbas condemned the attack, saying that the killing of Israeli or Palestinian civilians “will only exacerbate the situation as we all work to bring stability, especially in the run-up to the holy month of Ramadan and Jewish holidays.”

The Muslim fasting month of Ramadan begins this Saturday.

– (Recent violence) reaffirms that lasting, understandable and just peace is the shortest path to security and stability for the Palestinians and Israelis, Abbas continued.

Indications of Isis’ actions

In recent weeks, Israel has sought to calm tensions to avoid clashes. During the month of fasting last year, protests in the area of ​​the al-Aksa Mosque in Jerusalem eventually led to Israeli forces and Hamas waging an 11-day war in Gaza.

However, new acts of violence could jeopardize the planned mitigation.

On Sunday, two police officers killed two police officers in Hadera and last week four people were killed in a knife strike in Beersheba.

On Tuesday, Israeli police had carried out several raids in connection with the attacks and arrested at least two people on suspicion of Isis links.

Both Isis attacks and attacks by Israeli Arab citizens are rare in Israel. The last time Isis has taken its toll on Israel in 2017.
