Three reasons why Tappara won the Finnish Championship gold – surprising players hit the terrible moment of the season

Three reasons why Tappara won the Finnish Championship gold

Tappara shone in the spring playoffs in special situations, but the team also had scope. Sports expert Topi Nättinen listed three reasons why Tappara is celebrating the Finnish championship.

28.4. 21:10 • Updated April 28th. 21:46

Sports Expert Topi Nättinen listed three reasons why Tappara won the Finnish championship on Thursday at his home in Tampere Arena.

1. Special Situation Gaming

In special situation gaming, there is often talk of force majeure, but Nättinen highlights the importance of force majeure. It has worked infinitely well since the regular season.

Tappara’s Alivoima was the best in the Finnish Championship in the regular season. The percentage was a staggering 88.28. Tappara made 17 hits but made eight. In the playoffs, Alivoima was 90.62%. Three goals were scored but two were scored.

– Often the superiority is glowed and its importance, but Tappara’s Alivoima was good throughout the regular season and especially in the playoffs it was even better. The opponent never really scored with superiority and correspondingly Tappara was able to attack, Nättinen says.

Tappara’s superiority in the playoffs was 33.33%, meaning the team succeeded in every third of its superiority.

– Tappara used those few situations with his superiority and was really dangerous. It felt like they were getting the spiritual superiority to work as well. They were dangerous all the time, even though no goal came.

2. Extent of decisive power

According to Nättinen, Tappara’s nominal number one field Anton Levtchi – Tyler Morley – Waltteri Merelä was at times very good and settled for certain spring games. Still, the scope came to the fore, as, for example, a quadruped chain Joona Luoto – Otto Rauhala – Petteri Puhakka was vital to his team.

The quadruple recorded a total of 33 points in the playoffs. Luoto was Tappara’s most powerful in the playoffs with 8 + 9 = 17.

– With the killer, every chain was able to attack and defend. In addition, the defenders performed their own role defensively, but when necessary Otto Leskinen, Mikael Seppälä, Brady Austin played in the light of power points for a good spring. The scope must also be mentioned Christian Heljanko. He was the last wall, and no finals were caught in him, Nättinen says.

According to Nättinen, an important player in terms of scope was also responsible for confusing the opponent’s number one field Veli-Matti Savinainen.

3. Patience

Nättinen states that Tappara is actually known for his patience. It was still visible this spring, although according to Nättinen, Tappara made it relatively easy, for example, in the semi-finals and semi-finals.

However, the matches in the final series were really low. In these matches, Tappara showed his patience.

– The killer kept grinding, and at no point did they really live up to their game plan. They relied on the same players, the same line-up, and the same basic laws that worked in the regular season, and didn’t leave to edit it. In the final series, icelessness speaks for itself. They restrained, and the feeling didn’t control too much to do.
