Three people died in a hurricane in the Caribbean | News in brief

Three people died in a hurricane in the Caribbean

The US National Hurricane Center (NHC) has described the storm as potentially catastrophic.

Hurricane Beryl, which has strengthened into a category five hurricane, is moving towards Jamaica in the eastern Caribbean Sea. According to the authorities, the storm has already taken the life of at least one person in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and two people in Grenada. The storm has caused widespread destruction in other parts of the Caribbean Sea as well.

Prime Minister of Grenada Dickon Mitchell’s it can be expected that the hurricane can cause almost complete destruction in the island nation.

The US National Hurricane Center (NHC) has described the storm as potentially catastrophic. Category five is the highest on the Saffir-Simpson hurricane scale. In a category five hurricane, winds blow over 69 meters per second.

Beryl’s wind speeds were about 73.6 meters per second, according to the NHC’s latest update.

Source: STT
