Three moose on the run in Västerås – one is approaching the center

It was around 1 p.m. that several alerted the police about the moose, which then began to roam around Bäckby, including on Bäckby square and on Lisjögatan.

Later, a warning also went out to road users on Köpingsvägen that one of the moose had been seen nearby. At the same time, another moose was heading towards the central parts of Västerås

At 4 p.m., the municipality’s game wardens had been called in to make an assessment of the moose.

– One of the moose is being followed right now, it is near the Råbyleden, says Magnus Jansson Klarin, the police’s press spokesperson at Region Mitt, at half past five.

Keep distance

He says that the phone is at full speed in terms of observations from the public about the moose’s whereabouts. At the same time, he urges people to keep their distance from the animals.

– We want you to avoid doing anything on your own and keep your distance and not stress the moose.

The hope is that the moose can be led away from the city, but if there is a danger to the public, it may be necessary to euthanize them.

– Then it needs to be done in a safe way, of course, because there are residential areas around there.
