Three girls to hospital after traffic accident


  • Three girls to hospital after traffic accident

    A truck and a four-wheeler collided outside Ljusdal just before 12:30.

    Three 15-year-old girls, who were traveling on the four-wheeler, have been taken to hospital.

    The truck driver, a 55-year-old man, was uninjured.

    The extent of the damage is unclear.

    The police are investigating the cause of the accident.

    The text is updated.


  • Princess Sofia is pregnant

    Princess Sofia is pregnant with their fourth child, the princely couple writes on the Royal House’s website.

    The baby is expected to arrive in February 2025.

    The press release states that the princess is doing well and that no changes are expected in her program during the fall.

    Read more here.

  • Secrecy must be able to be dismantled according to the new proposal

    Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M) at the press conference with special investigator Göran Lundahl. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

    Criminal gangs and welfare crime must be stopped by removing privacy barriers. It is proposed in the new partial report that is handed over to Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M).

    The investigation proposes that a new general non-confidential provision be introduced. In other words, secrecy around an individual’s personal or financial circumstances should not put an end to information being provided between authorities.

    The exchange of data must be possible if it can contribute to discovering or investigating incorrect payments or to investigating and countering criminal activity.

    According to Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer, there is a great need for a change.

    The changes to the law are proposed to enter into force on 1 September 2025.

  • Banned parmesan chips may be sold

    Farm chips may continue with the sale of parmesan chips. Archive image. Photo: Christine Olsson/TT

    Laholm’s municipality changes its mind and upholds the ban for För Gårdschips to market and sell parmesan chips, writes Göteborgs-Posten.

    During a customary food inspection last week, the chip manufacturer lacked permission to sell products with the name parmesan, which now has a protected designation of origin within the EU. But it turned out that the Swedish Food Agency has no system for notifying parmesan in particular, and therefore no license is needed to sell the product.

    – Then the business cannot follow our decision. Therefore, we have chosen to cancel our decision, says the municipality’s environmental manager Annica Hegefeldt.

    After the municipality’s first decision to ban the sale of the chips, Gårdschips stated that it intended to continue selling bags labeled Parmesan chips, despite the municipality’s threat of a fine of SEK 5,000 per bag.

  • Teenager detained for attempted murder in Malmö

    The police bomb technician carried out a controlled explosion of a suspected hand grenade at midnight on Friday night. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

    An 18-year-old man has been detained as a suspect for attempted murder and a serious offense against the Act on Flammable and Explosive Goods.

    – He denies the crime, says his defense lawyer Matilda Wetterlöf.

    Last Thursday, the national bomb protection defused two suspected dangerous objects in the Rosengård district of Malmö. The 18-year-old was arrested during the night of Friday.

    – In short, it is a person from the public who says that there is some type of suspicious object. When the police get there, they point out the person who left this object, says prosecutor Adrien Combier-Hogg.

    Erik Åberg, head of the local police area south in Malmö, has previously told TT that it is about hand grenades.

    – Findings from the locations mean that our assessment is that hand grenades are involved in all cases. That assessment is subject to change.

    Combier-Hogg does not want to comment on the information, but states that it concerns explosive goods.

  • Crash north of Håkanbol – six to hospital

    Two cars have collided on county road 243 north of Håkanbol in Degerfors.

    – No direct head-on collision, but almost, we have emergency services and an ambulance on the way, says ilona Lindholm at SOS Alarm.

    Six people are involved, several are said to be injured.

    – Three ambulances have left the scene, says Nathalie Stridsberg on SOS Alarm shortly before 16.

    – I have gathered that there are six people who have been taken to hospital, says Anders Dahlman, press spokesperson at the police.

    The extent of the damage is unclear.

    – There were two people in one vehicle and four in the other, says Dahlman.

    The road is closed while the emergency services work on the scene.

    Tow truck is ordered.

    The text is updated.

  • Millions in support for the Swedish village in Ukraine

    The government has decided to send aid to Gammalsvenskby in Ukraine to the value of SEK 2 million, the government office states in a press release.

    The village has been hit particularly hard by the Russian aggression and 80 percent of the houses in the village have been destroyed, they write.

    – Sweden has been a partner to the population of Gammalsvenskby for a long time and we continue to stand by the villagers’ side. The new support will, among other things, contribute to supporting the residents during the coming winter through measures for medicine, heat and electricity, says Minister for Development Aid Johan Forsell.

    The village was founded by Swedes in 1782 who were forcibly relocated from Dagö to Ukraine during the Russian annexation of Estonia.

  • The warning: Do not eat the mushrooms in Örebro

    Region Örebro warns children and pregnant women against eating mushrooms from Lekeberg, reports SVT Örebro.

    The mushrooms contain too high levels of metal, according to tests.

    However, it has natural explanations. In the ground where the mushrooms grow, there is a lot of alum slate and plants that the mushrooms take up, writes the channel.

    – To reduce exposure to lead and other metals, it is recommended that children and pregnant women limit their intake of mushrooms, which consistently contain higher metal contents, says environmental hygienist Maria Klasson at Occupational and Environmental Medicine in Örebro to SVT.

  • Details: Turkey wants to join Brics

    Turkey has been trying for some time to forge closer ties with Brics. According to information to Bloomberg the country wants to join the economic cooperation organization.

    The newspaper writes that Turkey has now formally submitted an application to join Brics and refers to sources.

    Brics originally consisted of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. In recent years, five new members have been added: Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Ethiopia.

  • Dog and man bitten by dogs

    A man has been bitten by two dogs next to a dog kennel in Båstad, according to the police. The man’s dog is also said to have been bitten.

    The man was taken to hospital for a check-up and his dog was taken to an animal hospital.

    The police are looking for the owners of the dogs at the scene, but no one has come forward at this time.

    With a dog patrol, the police finally managed to catch and leash the loose dogs.

    The police have initially classified the incident as causing bodily harm and breaking the law on the supervision of dogs and cats. .

  • The court demand: Call off the strike

    The court in Israel demands that the ongoing strike be shut down this afternoon, the BBC reports.

    The text is updated.

  • Abuse at school – the police on the scene

    The police are on the scene at a school in Linköping after an alarm about an assault, the police say.

    – It is some kind of abuse case at a school. I don’t have much information and the people involved are very young, says Angelica Forsberg.

    The police are otherwise tight-lipped about the matter.

    – Now it’s about gathering information and seeing what has happened. If it is an accident and if it is a crime, says Angelica Forsberg.

    The alarm came in to the police at 12:31.

  • 200 pigs trapped in burning barn

    Photo: Jan Emanuelsson/

    A fire has started in a stable in Åstorp. There are 200 pigs in there, according to Helsingborgs-Dagblad.

    According to the newspaper, the building is on fire and cars from five different stations have been called to the scene. There must also be a risk of spread.

    Read more here.

  • Turkey signs new gas agreement with Shell

    Turkey’s state gas company Botas and the energy group Shell have signed a ten-year agreement on deliveries of liquefied fossil gas (LNG), which may also be resold from Turkey to Europe.

    According to the agreement, Shell must supply the equivalent of four billion cubic meters of LNG per year starting in 2027, according to Turkey’s Energy Minister Alparslan Bayraktar. This corresponds to around 8 percent of Turkey’s total gas consumption in 2023.

    Before the Shell deliveries, Botas takes in fossil gas via pipelines from Russia, Azerbaijan and Iran and in LNG form from Algeria and the USA.

    In May, Botas signed a similar ten-year agreement with the American energy group Exxon Mobil for LNG deliveries.

    Last year, Russia accounted for about 40 percent of the gas imported by Turkey, a share that is expected to decrease with the new agreements with Shell and Exxon Mobil.

  • Four convicted of drug offences

    Three people who were accused of particularly serious drug offenses have been sentenced in Södertörn District Court. Another person who was charged is sentenced for aiding and abetting an extremely serious drug crime and minor drug crime.

    Three of the convicts had handled 30 kilos of cocaine, the district court writes in a press release.

    All are sentenced to prison for varying lengths of time.

    One of those convicted of a serious drug offense receives eight years in prison. A second gets eight years and eleven months in prison. A third had been sentenced by the Värmland district court earlier this summer to ten years in prison for serious drug activity. Because of that, he is sentenced by the Södertörn district court to two years and eleven months.

    The fourth person charged with aiding and abetting was sentenced to four years in prison.

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