three fires simultaneously ravage Catalonia

three fires simultaneously ravage Catalonia

It has been two days since several forest fires broke out simultaneously in Catalonia and they have already burned more than 3,000 hectares. And the conditions are particularly difficult as the region has suffered a heat wave and record temperatures since Thursday.

With our correspondent in Barcelona, Elise Gazengel

Catalonia is literally burning. Since Wednesday afternoon, the accumulation of simultaneous forest fires has complicated the work of Catalan firefighters. They were all recalled to control the three largest fires declared in Castellar de la Ribera, Artesa de Segre and Corbera d’Ebre in the lands of the region.

This Thursday evening, nearly 3,000 hectares had already burned and the authorities’ most optimistic forecasts predict an additional 5,000 hectares for one of these fires, deemed uncontrollable. The situation is described as nightmarish: the simultaneity forces the firefighters to divide and share their means, in particular air, in addition to this scorching weather conditions.

Army and farmers called to the rescue

The region has also called on the reinforcement of the army with the UME, the Emergency Military Unit, as well as the help of the farmers of the region who, with their tractors, harvest and clear the fields. to prevent the flames from spreading further. This Friday promises to be decisive and the government does not hide its concern about the destructive potential of these fires.

►Also read: Climate: Intense heat waves expected in France and Western Europe
