three doctors cited, Frédéric Valletoux ready to stay

three doctors cited Frederic Valletoux ready to stay

The names of three doctors are in the running for the post of Minister of Health. Unless Frédéric Valletoux, the Minister Delegate, remains in government.

The composition of Michel Barnier’s government could be announced this week. While the Health portfolio is being eyed, Catherine Vautrin still holds the post as the resigning Minister of Labor, Health and Solidarity, supported by Frédéric Valletoux, Minister Delegate for Health and Prevention. As for Catherine Vautrin, her future should be written on the side of the Ministry of Justice according to The Point.

Under these conditions, who could fill the position? Frederic Valletoux is one of the natural favorites. In addition to his position as Minister Delegate, he won his place as a Member of Parliament during the last legislative elections. At the beginning of September, he made it clear on CNews that he would like to stay: “If I have the opportunity to continue projects that I have started, why not?”. His position will also depend on whether or not the Ministry of Health remains attached to the Ministry of Labor. A retention that could also allow Michel Barnier to count on relative stability and not to question everything, by keeping around him some profiles from the last Attal government.

Juvin, Voynet and Neuder: the outsiders

Priority issues will quickly await the new Minister of Health, such as France’s health budget for next year, the launch of vaccination campaigns, the fight against drug shortages and medical deserts, or the response to the demands of independent nurses who are asking for an increase in their rates and who have already planned a demonstration on October 1, 2024. Needless to say, time is running out.

For the vacant position on Duquesne Avenue, two right-wing names also stand out. Yannick Neudera cardiologist by profession, was notably cited by Arnaud Chiche, founder of the Santé en danger collective withEurope 1judging him to be “excellent on health issues”. The MP for Isère was re-elected in July and is the general rapporteur of the social security financing bill. Philippe Juvin is also being considered for the position. An anesthesiologist-resuscitator and leader of the Republicans in Hauts-de-Seine, he became known in particular during the Covid pandemic and for his skepticism regarding the bill for assisted dying. If Michel Barnier opts for a more mixed government by appointing a few elected officials from the left, Dominique Voynetan anesthesiologist, could be in the pipeline. The former Minister of the Environment under Lionel Jospin has made her return to the National Assembly under the banner of the NFP.
