Threats and violence against inspectors on buses in Uppsala

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It was just before midnight that the police received an alarm about an assault on a bus. According to information to the police, it was supposed to have been two guys in their early teens who allegedly behaved aggressively towards six inspectors.

– It is difficult to say exactly what has happened, but there are a few individuals who have messed up, says Mats Länn, RLC commander at police region Mitt.

The majority of plaintiffs

Several police patrols go out to the scene, but when they arrive, the situation has calmed down, according to the police. Two people are arrested for the incident. Later in the night, the arrest is lifted, but a report of threats and assault against an official is drawn up.

It is supposed to be about 6-7 people who are plaintiffs, who according to the police should not have suffered any serious injuries.

– No one had to be transported by ambulance, says Mats Länn.
