Threat of nuclear war: should we get iodine tablets?

Threat of nuclear war should we get iodine tablets

This Friday, March 4, 2022, the Russian army took control of the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, Zaporozhye. After the thinly veiled threats of Vladimir Putin, the fear of a nuclear attack is legitimate. Should we rush on iodine tablets?

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In the event of exposure to radioactive radiation, theiodine radioactive present in theair can be inhaled or swallowed. It binds mainly to the thyroid gland and greatly increases the risk of thyroid cancer. This, located in front of the neck, is a key organ that allows the hormonal regulation of the body. If there is a risk of exposure, it is possible to take stable iodine to saturate the thyroid and prevent it from taking up radioactive iodine. The dosage is two tablets for people 12 years and older, one tablet for children 3 to 12 years old, half a tablet for children 1 month to 3 years old, a quarter tablet for infants under 1 month. Pregnant women are also affected. The duration protection from stable iodine is 24 hours. On the other hand, it does not protect against other radioactive elements such as cesium 134 or 137.

How to get stable iodine in France?

The distribution of stable iodine is regulated in France. To date, only people residing or working near (less than 20 kilometres) one of the 19 nuclear power plants are regularly invited to collect stable iodine tablets from pharmacies and can keep them at home. The businesses and infrastructures within the perimeter also have stocks.

In the event of a nuclear accident, taking stable iodine should take place as early as possible, ideally one hour before the individual is exposed. This is ordered to the populations by the prefect, according to their place of residence in relation to the damaged plant.

The pharmacies near the power stations have stocks of stable iodine while the other pharmacies have no stock. It is therefore useless to go and ask for it from your local pharmacist. On the other hand, the government has sufficient stocks to protect the entire population.

Should I take stable iodine tablets?

I’ Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) published a note on March 2, 2022 entitled “ Taking stable iodine: putting an end to received ideas “. This medication has significant adverse effects on the thyroid and the heart. The risk-benefit balance is favorable only in the event of a proven risk of exposure.

For the moment, there is no risk of exposure to nuclear radiation in France. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) asserted that “ on-site radiation monitoring systems are fully functional » and that there was « no rejections materials radioactive ” after the Russian attack on the Ukrainian power station.

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