Threat from China to the USA! “If it happens, we will respond militarily”

Threat from China to the USA If it happens we

China has warned that it could respond militarily if Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi visits Taiwan, where it claims sovereignty.

In his statement, Defense Ministry Spokesman Colonel Tan Kıfey stated that the Chinese side has expressed its opposition to Pelosi’s visit to the Island many times, and that they expect the United States to abide by its commitment not to support Taiwan’s independence.

Emphasizing that the Chinese army is determined to protect the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in the face of any foreign intervention and plans for Taiwan’s independence, Spokesperson Tan said, “If Pelosi visits Taiwan, the Chinese army will not be idle.” said.

Tan argued that the possible visit would seriously violate the “one China” principle and the provisions of the Three Joint Declarations, which form the basis of China-US diplomatic relations, damage relations between the two countries and the two armies, and increase tensions in the Taiwan Strait.

Tan’s remarks confirm allegations that Chinese officials also raised “possible military payoff” in their private conversations with Washington, should Pelosi’s visit.

The British Financial Times newspaper, in its news published the previous day, claimed that the Chinese authorities stated that if Pelosi visits Taiwan, they may give harsh reactions, including “military response”.


In the report, it was alleged that White House security officials were against the visit due to possible risks, and that the US military was worried that Chinese warplanes might try to prevent Chinese warplanes from landing on the Island by interfering with Pelosi’s plane.

Spokesperson Cao, in response to the question asked at the press conference yesterday, said, “We are prepared for all kinds of contingencies. If the US side insists on the visit, we will take strong and determined countermeasures.” he had spoken.


82-year-old Pelosi’s planned visit to Taiwan in April was canceled on the grounds that she caught Kovid-19.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi warned at the time that Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan would mean “crossing the red line” defined by the “one China” principle.

Should the visit take place, Pelosi will be the first Speaker of the US House of Representatives to visit the Island in 25 years. Earlier, in 1997, Newt Gingrich had visited Taiwan while holding this post.


After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) led by Mao Zedong seized power in 1949 in the civil war that broke out after the Second World War in China and declared the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, members of the Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintag) led by Chiang Kai-shek came to Taiwan. He settled in Turkey and declared independence, claiming that the “Republic of China” power, established in 1912, continued on the Island.


Although this initiative was not accepted by China, Taiwan representatives represented China in the United Nations (UN) General Assembly until 1971. In the 1950s and 1960s, Taiwan’s position in international organizations is uncertain, with the Beijing government being accepted as the sole legitimate representative of China in the UN General Assembly vote in 1971, after many countries changed their diplomatic relations preference from the Republic of China to the People’s Republic of China. had become.

The Beijing administration, adopting the principle of “One China”, argues that Taiwan is part of its territory.

In addition to its military presence in and around the Bosphorus, China opposes Taiwan’s establishment of independent diplomatic relations with the countries of the world and its representation in the UN and other international organizations. (AA)
