Thousands of Swedes shut themselves off from games – but can continue online

In four years, the number of people with a gambling addiction who shut down on the gamepaus site has more than doubled. But for those who have a severe gambling addiction, a suspension during a game break may be far from a solution to the problem, as they still have access to foreign gambling sites. The gambling break site, which is run by the Gambling Inspectorate, was introduced in 2019 in connection with Sweden’s new gambling law coming into effect. There, anyone who has a gambling addiction can shut themselves off from gambling online with a Swedish license. In four years, the number of people who quit has increased from 37,500 to 90,000. – If it is more aggressive marketing or if there are more people who have problems, that could cause more people to quit, says Anders Nilsson, game researcher at Karolinska The institute. Statistics from the Swedish Gambling Inspectorate show that around 130,000 people in Sweden live with someone who has lost control over their gambling for money. Both the player and their relatives can have problems with finances, mental illness and social relationships. “A torment from morning to evening” Although many people refrain from playing on Swedish gambling sites, those who are addicted to gambling and suffer from a gambling addiction can instead access foreign gambling sites that are not governed by Swedish legislation or are included in the gambling pause register. It can make it difficult for those who want to be free from their addiction. – When you now have this safety net with game breaks and it doesn’t work because you have the unlicensed games, it’s a big problem. Then I think you can also think about whether you should have a loss limit or bet limit that applies to all gambling companies, says Anders Nilson, gambling researcher at Karolinska Institutet. One of those affected by the problem is “Adam”, who tried to stop his addiction by blocking several times. – You still have games online, games on foreign sites where you can become a member around the clock. So the game is always available, he says and concludes: – For most people, games may be fun, but for us who have this addiction, it is a torment from morning to night. See an interview with “Adam” in the clip above.
