Thousands of people demonstrate against Emmanuel Macron and the nomination of Michel Barnier

Thousands of people demonstrate against Emmanuel Macron and the nomination

With around a hundred demonstrations planned throughout France on September 7, part of the left, led by La France Insoumise, has chosen the streets as a warm-up for a political autumn that promises to be hot.

Denial of democracy “, “ The French didn’t vote for this “, ” that he [Macron] resign »: in the processions that took to the streets on September 7, the same words, often, to express the indignation, the resentment and the anger in the face of the nomination of the LR Michel Barnier as Prime Minister, a post that Emmanuel Macron refused to Lucie Castets, the candidate of the New Popular Front (NFP), who came out on top in the early legislative elections in July.

Some 26,000 people demonstrated in Paris on Saturday, notably at the call of La France Insoumise, to denounce “ Macron’s coup “, the police headquarters told AFP. Five people were arrested for carrying a prohibited weapon, throwing projectiles and causing damage during the demonstration. The rebels claimed 160,000 demonstrators in the capital.

The Paris demonstration began around 2:30 p.m. at Place de la Bastille. The anger expressed was initially directed against Emmanuel Macron and his ” democratic coup “, in the words of the initiators of the march, furious at not seeing Lucie Castets, candidate of a united left with 193 deputies, appointed to Matignon.

Also readIn France, the left is mobilizing in a scattered manner against the new Prime Minister

Democracy is not only the art of accepting having won, it is also the humility of accepting having lost. “, thus launched the former leader of Insoumis Jean-Luc Mélenchon to Emmanuel Macron, perched on a truck in the Parisian procession. There will be no pause, I call you to a long-lasting battle ” he also told the crowd.

For the Yvelines MP Benjamin Lucas, President Emmanuel Macron ” has decided to put us, to put themselves and to put the government of France in the hands of Marine Le Pen who is, today, the one who has the keys in hand to weigh on the policy of this government ” he says into the microphone of Charlotte Urien-Tomakafrom the political service of RFI.

The president has seriously betrayed the vote of the French people and this is a serious mistake when one is the guarantor of the institutions. What is more, he has appointed someone who has not called for a Republican blockade.

Benjamin Lucas, MP for the 8th constituency of Yvelines

Charlotte Urien-Tomaka

The choice of Michel Barnier, from the right, strengthened the determination of the demonstrators, even if the police only anticipated a limited turnout (between 4,000 and 8,000 people in Paris). We see that a pact has been sealed between Macronie, the right and the extreme right. “, deplored LFI MP Aurélie Trouvé to the press, while ” Macron resignation “.

If Michel Barnier indicated on Friday evening that he was ready to work with the left, ” no one is fooled “, added MP Trouvé, who did not appreciate the firm speech on immigration from the Matignon resident, judging that he was repeating “ What the far right has always said “.

Also readFrance: New Prime Minister Michel Barnier consults, but remains under threat from the RN

We are no longer listened to at the ballot box »

From a not completely full Place de la Bastille, Abel Couaillier, 20, a student who campaigned for François Ruffin in the legislative elections, confesses to AFP to being “stunned” by the nomination of Michel Barnier: ” an old elephant of politics “. “ I am still young, I want to believe that we can change things and I will continue to vote, it is the only way we have to make things change. ” he continues.

On Macron’s part, I think that no matter what the outcome of the vote is, he already had in mind who he wanted to put in power. […] The Fifth Republic is collapsing. I think that in any case, expressing one’s suffrage will be useless as long as Macron is in power “, castigates Manon Bonijol, 21, who came to demonstrate in Paris.

Alexandra Germain, 44, project manager, is more bitter: “ItThis is a dictatorship that is being established. It’s been a while since we were listened to in the streets, now we are no longer listened to at the ballot box. Demonstrating is my only way to say that I don’t agree, even if I am well aware that it is useless. »

Place de la Bastille, demonstrators denounce a denial of democracy by appointing a Prime Minister from the right

Aram Mbengue

Also readCongratulations, indignation and first ambitions: the French political class reacts to the nomination of Michel Barnier

Since he does not respect the Constitution, he must go »

In Nantes, in front of the Loire-Atlantique prefecture and under a hazy sun, LFI MP Andy Kerbrat spoke in particular to call for ” organize the blocking of the country in the face of this democratic coup. »

The monarch cannot stand for his work to be unraveled. We, in the street, are going to unravel everything he has done. The only problem in our democracy is Emmanuel Macron! Since he does not respect the Constitution, he must go. “, the MP said before the demonstrators also chanted, “ Macron resignation “.

Cindy Rondineau, a 40-year-old photographer, and her partner Aubin Gouraud, a 42-year-old farmer, have a very left-wing heart, but say they are not used to demonstrating. This Saturday morning, however, they traveled from Chaumes-en-Retz to Nantes – a good thirty kilometers – to demonstrate, because, they say, they are ” really angry “. ” “We really feel like we’re not being listened to as voters,” the couple say. “And on top of that, we’re constantly being demonized.”. »

Their eight-year-old daughter carries a sign saying: Macron you’re screwed, the CE2s are in the street “in the middle of a family and good-natured procession which paraded behind a banner” only one solution impeachment “The demonstration gathered between 2,500 according to the prefecture and 8,000 participants according to the organizers. In Rennes, the demonstration gathered, in a peaceful manner, 4,800 people.

Let’s defend our democracy »

At the other end of France, the turnout was smaller in Nice. In a department where RN, LR and the Ciotti-RN union lists share all nine constituencies, between 900 and 1,000 people, depending on the source, demonstrated behind the banner ” Let’s defend our democracy. »

With the flags of the rebels or Palestinians flapping in the wind, in Marseille, the organizers shouted their lungs out into megaphones before the demonstration, which brought together between 3,500 (according to the police) and 12,000 people (according to the organizers) at the call of youth union organizations, the PCF, LFI and the CGT 13, set off from the Porte d’Aix. It feels like we’ve been robbed “, says Aurélie Malfant, 24, a student in Marseille. Like her, in the marches, young people with left-wing hearts came in large numbers. This day of mobilization was initiated at the end of August by two student and high school unions.
