About 42,000 canned goods and other items used to build famous movie-themed structures at Lambton Mall this week will help supply food bank users at the Inn of the Good Shepherd for about three weeks, the agency’s executive director says.
“It’s pretty shocking to identify that need in our community,” said Myles Vanni.
But it’s great that this year’s Canstruction event will help with almost a month’s supply, he said.
Fifteen teams took part, using what Vanni estimated is between 42,000 to 45,000 pounds of donations, to build their tributes Saturday to films like Finding Nemo, Field of Dreams and Bridget Jones’s Diary.
Eight awards were handed out Sunday for things like most cans per structure, best use of labels, and structural ingenuity.
A team from CF Industries that built a lit canned-goods jet set against a wall with ‘TOP GUN’ spelled out using labels took rookie of the year, best use of theme and judge’s favorite awards.
They’re perhaps the most awarded team in a single Canstruction event, Vanni said.
This year’s panel of judges included Sarnia police chief Derek Davis and Lambton County Warden Kevin Marriott, among others, he said, noting judging isn’t easy because judges have to move between the structures spaced throughout the mall and can’t consider them side by side.
The structures will remain until March 21, he said, when they’re disassembled to be transferred to the food bank.
A challenge for kids is March 15 to find miniature versions of Inn mascot tINNy hidden in the structures, and fill out ballots at the service center in the mall for prizes, he said.
The people’s choice award is also presented March 21, he said.
People vote with their wallets, making donations at the structures or online, Vanni said.
Donations and sponsorships could add up to $15,000 to $18,000 by the time voting is done, he said.
The event, in which Sarnia-Lambton has consistently placed in the top 25 of about 200 Canstruction events worldwide for the amount of food raised, , is the Inn’s biggest for food donations and a significant fundraiser, Vanni said.
Teams usually set up the night before build day, but Friday’s snowstorm meant they moved in earlier in the afternoon, he said, thanking the mall for being flexible.
Food bank usership has been about 2,000 people per month amid inflation, and the Inn was spending about $25,000 a month amid COVID-19 to supplement food supplies, Vanni said.
That changed recently, with the resumption of food raising community events like Canstruction, he said.
“So this is really important, having this back.”
Normally 55,000 pounds of goods per month are distributed through the food bank, he said.
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