thousands of Israelis in the streets call on Benjamin Netanyahu to accept the truce agreement proposed by Joe Biden

thousands of Israelis in the streets call on Benjamin Netanyahu

Thousands of Israelis demonstrated on Saturday June 1 in the streets of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv to ask Benjamin Netanyahu to accept the ceasefire agreement proposed by Joe Biden. Several far-right ministers are threatening to leave the government if the Prime Minister accepts the agreement.

Israelis in the streets. The day after the statements of American President Joe Biden, who presented from the White House the plan for a truce agreement between the Hebrew state and Hamas, thousands of Israelis took to the streets of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem , Saturday June 1, reports The Parisian. All are calling on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accept the agreement presented by the American president for the release of the last hostages, still held in Gaza since their kidnapping on October 7, 2023.

Disguised as the Statue of Liberty or carrying banners reading “Biden, save them from Netanyahu”, the demonstrators fear seeing the Israeli leader, who according to them cares “more about his power”, put in jeopardizes the ceasefire agreement with Hamas. In a press release published Friday, May 31, the Palestinian Islamist movement judged the new road map presented by Joe Biden to be “positive,” on the sole condition that Israel ceases its bombings on Gaza.

Several ministers threaten to resign

While 252 people were kidnapped by Hamas on October 7 after the terrorist attack carried out by the Palestinian Islamist movement, 121 are still being held in Gaza. Among them, 37 are believed to have died, the Israeli army estimated. In a press release, the Forum of Families of Hostages and Missing Persons indicated that it was necessary to “demand” from the Israeli government that it “immediately approve the agreement to release the hostages”, in order to bring “home immediately”.

At the same time, Benjamin Netanyahu must face pressure from far-right Israeli ministers. The latter in fact threatened, on Saturday June 1, to leave the government in the event that the Prime Minister went in the direction of agreeing a ceasefire in Gaza.
