thousands of demonstrators for a justice reform

thousands of demonstrators for a justice reform

In Argentina, several thousand people demonstrated on Tuesday evening February 1, at the call of movements close to the Peronist government, to demand the resignation of the judges of the Supreme Court and a reform of the justice system. If the organizers had obvious political ulterior motives, this was not the case for all the demonstrators.

With our correspondent in Buenos Aires, Jean Louis Buchet

The activists are there. Behind their banners and with their fanfares, the traditional Peronist folklore. But there are not only framed militants. Many demonstrators came in a personal capacity, not to repeat simplistic slogans, but to say by their presence that they do not want justice as it is today.

“Je manifesto to testify to an idea that we all have, I believe: Argentine justice is a disaster, says Fabián, photo editor. It’s the worst of the three powers! »

empty promises

Marcelo, a doctor, criticizes President Alberto Fernández for not having kept his promises: “ Alberto Fernández, a little over two years ago, promised a reform, a profound reform of the judicial system, he even appointed a commission. And then, we saw no change! »

As for Alejandra, a lawyer, she denounces class justice. ” We want justice that is truly democratic, she says, at the service of all, which is on the side of the people and not on the side of the powerful, as is currently the case. »

The organizers of the demonstration intended to put pressure on the Supreme Court, which will have to rule soon on cases where the vice-president Cristina Kirchner is involved. But it is also a sincere dissatisfaction with justice that was expressed on Tuesday.

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