The new season has started in Diablo 4 and not only brings new content into the game, but also a fresh Battle Pass. However, players find that it somehow doesn’t fit the aesthetic of the Diablo series.
Season 4 started in Diablo 4 on May 14, 2024 and brought new endgame content into the game that was well received by a large part of the community. A fresh Battle Pass has also been available since the start of the season. The pass offers you the opportunity to earn rewards about every three months. There is a free and a paid path.
The community has often discussed the content of the Battle Pass in advance. They were disappointed with the Battle Pass in Season 2 and called cosmetic rewards “NPC armor.” And even now, players are complaining about the cosmetics. They think that the equipment looks like it was actually intended for a different game.
Here you can see a trailer for Season 4 in Diablo 4:
Diablo 4 Season 4 “Loot Reborn” in the gameplay trailer
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Why does the Battle Pass confuse players? On Reddit, user “Throwedaway99837” posted a picture from Season 4 in Diablo 4 on May 27. He wrote in the post whether anyone else was wondering what this graphic was all about.
He explains his thoughts on this as follows:
This popped up on a loading screen recently and it really confused me. It looks like it was intended for a completely different game and doesn’t fit the tone or aesthetic of the Diablo series at all.
The comment with the most upvotes comes from “Mileena_Sai”. The user notes on Reddit that it is “terrible and does not fit Diablo 4”. It is only there to show the cosmetic items from the pass.
“This is not Diablo”
What do other players say about this? Other players also seem confused about the design of the Battle Pass. Some write that it doesn’t fit with Diablo 4 and that they miss the “darker art.” Others think of the style as a “mobile game about elf wars” (via Reddit). One user writes on Reddit: “It reminds me of Mortal Kombat and the fact that someone is about to get a finisher.”
The user “Trick-Silver1652” writes on Reddit: “No joke, I played earlier and it was either this [Bild] or another in the same style and I thought for a second I had accidentally loaded Albion Online. Get this crap out of the game, this isn’t Diablo.”
User “GrimJoshua” suspects on Reddit that the design might have originally been intended for a different season. He writes:
“The whole pass/style is completely disconnected from the season. I’m really confused why the pass doesn’t have a hell/demon theme considering the redesigned helltides are the main focus. I can only assume the pass was meant to be used for a different season.”
What do you think of the design of the Battle Pass and the cosmetic items? Would you have preferred a darker version? Or maybe something that fits with the hellish tides? Feel free to leave us a comment.
With Season 4, the Inferno in Diablo 4 has been completely reworked. They are now available at world level 1 and are perfect for leveling and looting. Mobs spawn everywhere, giant worms spit out enemies, and your threat level increases with every monster you kill and every chest you open. The Inferno in Season 4 is complete chaos – and players love it.