Those with high blood pressure beware! Causes brain hemorrhage

Those with high blood pressure beware Causes brain hemorrhage

High blood pressure is a serious illness. Among the causes of high blood pressure disease, there is a family history of hypertension, obesity, diabetes, kidney diseases, salt consumption and unhealthy diet. High blood pressure causes diseases such as heart attack and cerebral hemorrhage. Stating that high blood pressure is the leading risk factor for cerebral hemorrhage, Neurology Specialist Prof. Dr. Gazi Özdemir said, “High blood pressure is 79.2%, obesity is 50.6%, and arteriosclerosis is 38.7%. The onset of cerebral hemorrhage is usually seen as vomiting, frequent, sudden and severe headaches and coma.


Pointing out that obesity, high blood pressure and head trauma are the leading factors that trigger brain hemorrhage, Eskişehir Physiomer Therapy Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Medical Center Neurology Specialist Prof. Dr. Gazi Özdemir also stated in which regions the bleeding may occur. Özdemir said, “Brain hemorrhage can occur either in the cerebral hemisphere, brain stem or cerebellum, limited to the brain tissue, or in the water around the brain, or both into the brain tissue and into the water. Depending on the location of the bleeding, the clinical findings that will occur in the patient will be different, as in the types of brain infarction. The onset of cerebral hemorrhage is usually more severe and sudden than that of cerebral infarction and is often accompanied by vomiting. Headache is also frequent, sudden and very severe. The state of coma is also more frequent,” he said.

Snoring and smoking are also among the risk factors.


Expressing that if there is bleeding in the brain tissue, paralysis can be seen in one half of the body depending on the location of the bleeding, Özdemir stated that there is usually no paralysis in bleeding around the brain. Stating that the risk factors for cerebral hemorrhage are different from the risk factors for cerebral stroke with cerebral vascular occlusion, Prof. Dr. Gazi Özdemir also touched upon the study involving 3,100 patients with the organization of the Turkish Cerebrovascular Diseases Association and the participation of 41 neurology training centers across Turkey. Stating that the risk factors of cerebral hemorrhage crisis were explained in the study, Özdemir said, “High blood pressure 79.2 percent, obesity 50.6%, arteriosclerosis 38.7 percent, snoring 30.4 percent, smoking 34.9 percent, excess fat in the blood 25 percent, Heart disease is 22.5 percent, dark blood is 13.8 percent, diabetes is 11.9 percent, general anesthesia is 11.7 percent, and alcoholism and frequent drunkenness are 7.5 percent,” he said.

There are many factors that cause brain bleeding.


Explaining the factors that cause brain bleeding, Özdemir listed them as follows:
“When we look at the causes of brain hemorrhage, the first place is high blood pressure. Other causes can be listed as follows: Head trauma in young and old age, aneurysm, vascular bubble, vascular lump, excessive alcohol use, blood thinners, coumadin, blood clot dissolving drug, antiaggregant, that is, medicine to prevent blood cells from sticking and clumping, amphetamine, cocaine, nasal discharge suppressant. , using certain substances such as lsd, smoking addiction, coagulopathies, blood diseases such as dic, hemophilia, leukemia, amyloid angiopathy, eclampsia, that is, pregnancy poisoning, tumor in the brain, primary or metastatic choriocarcinoma, melanoma, bronchial cancer, kidney cancer.



Noting that aneurysm status, called a cerebral vessel bubble, is in the second place in the list of all causes of cerebral hemorrhage, and in the first place only in the type of hemorrhage around the brain, Özdemir emphasized that among other causes, especially excessive alcohol use and drug use such as cocaine have an important place. Özdemir concluded his words as follows:
“Long-term high blood pressure causes very small aneurysmatic enlargements in the capillaries in the brain tissue and aggravated atherosclerosis, if any. Although aneurysms are mostly congenital, in some cases, the presence of atherosclerosis, neck-head traumas that cause the vessels to rupture and tear, or cocaine use may also lead to the development of aneurysms. Aneurysms are usually hidden in the brain, but are diagnosed when they rupture and cause cerebral hemorrhage. Sometimes an aneurysm may give herald symptoms before it ruptures. These symptoms differ depending on the brain region where the aneurysm is located.
