Those who use this drug beware! Increases dementia risk by up to 50 percent

Those who use this drug beware Increases dementia risk by

Dementia is among the most common diseases of old age. Dementia, also known as senile disease, can also be seen in young people because it usually appears in the elderly. There are many factors that increase the risk of dementia. Studies have shown that drugs used to solve a common health problem in society can increase the risk of dementia.


A research team from Harvard University, China and the United Kingdom found that people who regularly use laxatives are 50 percent more likely to experience cognitive decline. The large study used data from more than half a million people over a 10-year period. Researchers believe the drugs can affect gut bacteria in such a way that they form toxins in the nervous system that travel to and damage the brain.


“Finding ways to reduce a person’s risk of dementia by identifying risk factors that can be modified is very important,” said Dr Feng Sha, co-author of the study and a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Guangdong, China. said. “More research is needed to further explore the link our research found between laxatives and dementia.”

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For the study, published Wednesday in the journal Neurology, the researchers gathered data from the UK Biobank, a biomedical database of Britons used to measure long-term health trends. They analyzed data from 502,229 people aged 40 to 59 over an average of 10 years. Of this group, 18,235, or 3.6 percent, regularly used an over-the-counter laxative.

Laxatives increased the risk of dementia by 51 percent

During the study period, 218 members of this group — or 1.3 percent — developed dementia.
Only 1,969, or 0.4 percent, of non-laxative users suffered from this condition. After adjusting for other risk factors, such as age, diet, fitness, and genetic risk, the researchers determined that people who took laxatives had a 51 percent increased risk of dementia.

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People using osmotic laxatives were determined to be at an even greater risk. These medications work by drawing water from the rest of the body into the stool to soften the stool. Other types of medication help stool retain fluid rather than add fluid, which aids the process of pushing it out of the body. The researchers found that people taking these drugs had a 64 percent increased risk of dementia. The risk of vascular dementia, which occurs when not enough blood is supplied to the brain, increased by 97 percent in these people.


It can often be the result of not getting enough fiber-rich fruits and vegetables into a person’s diet. Constipation is also a side effect of many medications that older people may need to manage their daily lives.

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Although constipation itself rarely causes long-term health problems, pain and discomfort can reduce patients’ quality of life. To solve the problem, many people turn to over-the-counter laxatives. These drugs loosen stool and make it easier to pass through the body.

