Those who say “I sit and eat all day” You can control your appetite with these methods

Although eating is a great need for the continuity of life, it should not be forgotten that excess of everything is harmful. Foods that are consumed even though they are not needed return as permanent weight. Those who are uncomfortable with this situation are wondering about the appetite suppressant methods for the habitual overeating problem. Simple behaviors such as avoiding food in sight, preventing starvation, and showing willpower; It has an effect on appetite suppression.


Although this suggestion may seem a little strange in terms of appetite suppression, it is a very effective method. If you postpone eating when you are hungry to cut your appetite, you can’t stand it at the end and instead of consuming 1 plate of food, you can consume 2 plates due to the current hunger. That’s why it’s so important to take care not to go hungry. You can prevent excessive appetite by eating little and often.


Even if you don’t intend to eat a food, you may change your mind the moment you see it. “I’m full right now, I don’t need to eat it.” Even if you do, the food in front of you constantly distracts you. As long as the food is in front of your eyes, there is a high probability that you will succumb to your will and eat them. Therefore, eliminate food in sight in the rooms where you live or work.


Brushing your teeth after a meal sends signals to the brain that mealtime is over. The taste of toothpaste and the feeling of cleanliness in the mouth also prevent the feeling of eating for a while. Since you don’t want to get your newly cleaned teeth dirty right away, you also avoid eating something unnecessarily. Brushing your teeth after each meal not only contributes to your dental health, but also prevents you from eating when you are full.


No matter how many appetite suppressants you use, remember that the real power is in yourself. The willpower you will show against overeating with determination is actually the most successful method. You can be wary of overeating by making some promises to yourself. You can avoid sugary foods that will cause you to be constantly hungry and gain weight, and turn to healthy foods. When you are hungry, you can control your appetite by showing will to eat without going overboard.

