Those who saw it were horrified! Feeds on raw meat, chicken, and fish

Those who saw it were horrified Feeds on raw meat

An American blogger has not eaten anything but raw meat for the past 166 days, so his fans are making comments on social media to give him up on what he’s doing. The blogger, who worries his fans, terrifies those who see him by eating raw meat, chicken and fish.

Some followers think that the blogger has lost his mind, while others are worried about his health. The American blogger joked that he would eat raw meat “every day until he died from bacteria” in a video he shared, which raised concerns.

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The man who ate two kilos of raw red meat in one of the last videos he shared added the following note under his video:

“Meat is the only food that no one reacts badly to. Animal meat is the only food group that has all the micronutrients a human needs. I learned a lot about nature, farming, soil, history, nutrition, etc., by following carnivorous people.”

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Ignoring the concerns of his followers that he should stop eating raw meat for a while, the blogger makes statements stating that he will continue his life with this diet until the end.
