Those Who Message Bongo – Mobile

Those Who Message Bongo Mobile

Have you heard of Bongo who claims to give you information about the person you want? If you want to know the answers to questions such as what is Bongo and what are the opinions of its users, check out this article.

What is Bongo?

Bongo is a paid text messaging service that has been around since 2013. In order to get information about the person you are wondering about, you can send your name, surname and city to 5323 as a text message and get information about him/her. Each message you send will be reflected in your invoice as 10 TL.

Messages to Bongo

Some users of this service, which is mostly used by young people, complain that the service charges extra money without informing them about the fee. Just as people want to learn about others, it’s also unpleasant to use their weaknesses and charge a fee, but despite all this, some people succumb to their curiosity. Obviously, this situation should be in the interest of the owners of this service.

Although some users say that they get the correct information, Bongo actually doesn’t know anything about you. It obtains the information by asking you to approve some permissions when you download the application. By confirming what they want, you give the application access to the contact list, WhatsApp conversations, messages, photos and all social media accounts. You should never allow such applications, which are really dangerous, on your phone.
