Those who do this get through the coronavirus much easier

Those who do this get through the coronavirus much easier

The effects of coronavirus can vary from person to person. Due to factors such as not being vaccinated against Covid-19, having low immunity, and having various diseases, patients who have had coronavirus may experience serious problems in this process. In order to prevent this, eating healthy and rich in vitamins and doing regular physical activity can help. Especially during the pandemic process, the habit of sedentary life threatens life. Expert physiotherapist Arzucan Toksal explained the importance of physical activity during the coronavirus process.


Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University Lecturer Specialist Physiotherapist Arzucan Toksal drew attention to the importance of physical activity in the coronavirus process. Toksal, “Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is defined as an infectious respiratory disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It is more contagious than seasonal flu but has a case fatality rate at least twice as high. Despite the fact that no progress has been made in the treatment of the disease, other than symptomatic interventions, from the first detection of the disease until now, prevention and social isolation, which are the most effective methods to reduce the rate of transmission, continue. On the other hand, the emergence of the disease and the start of stay-at-home practices pose a threat in terms of health problems related to physical inactivity.


Stating that in addition to the direct effects of Covid-19 on the cardiovascular system, the severe restriction of physical activity in patients such as immobility and isolation, Toksal said:
“In addition to the direct effects of COVID-19 on the cardiovascular system, it is known that severe restriction of physical activity during practices such as immobility, isolation and quarantine in patients leads to a significant decrease in the physical capacity of individuals. Muscle weakness, decreased physical capacity, chronic fatigue, obesity, increased insulin resistance and decreased quality of life are among the negative consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. Decreased physical activity also creates a loss of immunity, increasing the risk of viral potential, which leads to a vicious circle. Again, during the pandemic process, individuals of all ages, education, communication etc. The online activities, which he started to use as an alternative to face-to-face meetings, cause the same individuals to spend time in incorrect postures for a long time and be more exposed to musculoskeletal injuries that may develop due to this.



Regular physical activity is effective in preventing some diseases or delaying symptoms, as well as in the treatment of many physiological, metabolic and psychological problems, regulating bone, muscle and joint health, and reducing the risk of premature death. Regular and continuous physical activities reduce blood pressure, prevent obesity, reduce the possibility of coronary artery diseases and cardiovascular diseases. Considering the benefits of regular physical activity on factors considered as risk factors for undesirable situations that may occur as a result of contracting a serious COVID-19 disease, reducing stress, and improving mental health in the short and long term, in addition to reducing the factors that cause death, It is also very important for social status. These positive effects of regular physical activity are directly related to parameters such as the type, duration and intensity of physical activity.



Reminding that the positive effects of physical activity at an optimal level depend on planning by a clinician who is an expert in the field, taking into account the characteristics of the individual, Toksal concluded his statements as follows:
“Achieving the positive effects of physical activity at an optimal level depends on planning by a clinician who is an expert in the field, taking into account the characteristics of the individual. A physiotherapist, who has knowledge of the human anatomy and physiology, as well as the effects of Covid-19 disease on the human body, can enable people to acquire regular physical activity habits and easily overcome the disease-related processes with an exercise program that includes various indoor or outdoor activities. Despite all the negativities brought by the pandemic, the acquisition and sustainability of physical activity habits as a society during the Covid-19 process, where people have started to value their own health more, can be considered as an opportunity to turn this negatively perceived process into a positive one. For a sound mind and a healthy body, take action.”
