“Those weeks were very confusing” – Now the couple has overcome the difficulties

Those weeks were very confusing – Now the couple has

Runner Sara Kuivisto and her common-law partner, Porvoon Achilles ice hockey goalie Olli Lappalainen, have a really challenging six-month period behind them.

It all started last March. Finland’s record pinconut right in the hall Sara Kuivisto ran nicely in the 1,500m preliminaries of the World Indoor Championships in Belgrade and made his way to the first honors final of his career. But already during the heat run, he noticed that everything was not right.

– It felt strange and I felt terribly bad after the race. The whole night I felt really bad, and I couldn’t run the final at all, says Kuivisto.

He finished in 11th place in the final and missed his recent Finnish record by more than six seconds.

The pain eased enough that Kuivisto went to Portugal for a training camp, but had to leave it and return home.

– I came home from there and then we started to investigate in real life. Yes, it took more than a month before it was resolved. In the end, an intestinal parasite was found there.

The bug finally destroyed Kuivisto’s important spring training session.

– Yes, it totally terrorized it. I would do maybe 1-2 days of training and then I had to rest for five days after that. Nothing came of it. I was so tired and my stomach hurt.

In May, Kuivisto received a course of medication to evict the intestinal parasite. But as a result, he received additional challenges. Either the intestinal parasite or the drugs given to it hit the skin of Kuivisto’s Achilles tendon.

– I couldn’t run because I couldn’t keep my shoes on properly for many weeks.

As a result of all this, he also had to miss the World Championships in Oregon. The hurt was great at first, but Kuivisto accepted his situation and decided to focus on the European Championships.

Lappalainen’s two crashes

Olli Lappalainen, 33, is a master’s degree in engineering from Oulu and an ice hockey goalkeeper who represents Porvoo Akilleste. He started playing ice ball in Oulu when he was about 8 years old.

– Yes, it must have been right from the very first ice training, when the coach asked if there were people willing to finish and for some reason they ended up there.

After fifteen years in the main league, there are three Finnish iceball championships and three Finnish Cup victories in the trophy case. More than 300 matches have already been accumulated at the main league level. Lappalainen moved from Oulu to Porvoo in 2017.

Both Sara Kuivisto and Olli Lappalainen represent Porvoo Akille at the club level. They live together in Porvoo.

After moving to Porvoo, Lappalainen also became interested in road cycling. In the summer of 2019, he was in his first race, the Ole Wackström memorial race, and won. At elite level, the best achievement is 19th place in the SM road race 2021.

Last April, the first warning signs of the danger of cycling came to light when Lappalainen crashed in Turku’s block races.

– In the first race of the season, we collided with a fellow competitor and then broke the right clavicle and ribs, said Lappalainen, who, however, recovered from the concussion quickly and set his next goal as the Championship road race in June.

In those June SM road races in Porvoo, the crash happened again. The Lappalainen fell again, but now it got worse.

– I don’t really remember what happened because I hit my head, and there are no memories of what happened. I fell a little worse and it broke my left collarbone, ribs and other things. Of course, the head also hit the ground badly.

Four days in a coma

Lappalainen was rushed to a hospital in Helsinki, where he was in a coma for four days. It was a hard knock for the common-law partner as well.

– After all, it was a difficult time and it was difficult to understand how this has happened now. Yes, I practiced valiantly all the time, but I don’t remember what exactly I practiced. Those weeks were very confusing, recalls Kuivisto.

The Lappalainen was awakened from a coma and brought to Porvoo to recover. He was in the hospital for two weeks and little by little he himself began to realize what had happened.

– If you think that the base of the skull was broken, even though there was a helmet on, then if there was no helmet, it would have been really bad, Lappalainen reflects.

Lappalainen has recovered well. He does various rehabilitation exercises and meets with doctors.

– When a blow like that hits the head, it is classified as a brain injury. Of course, no one can say the date when it will be fully recovered, but every day we move forward.

“Perspective on life”

The couple has supported each other in the midst of difficulties.

– We have thought about the fact that it has been easier to support each other when it has been difficult for both. It’s also a difficult situation in a relationship when one person is doing extremely well and the other is in the bottom of the mud, says Kuivisto.

When both of the couple understand the world of thought of a top athlete, everyday life goes more easily.

– It has made it a lot easier that Sara’s and Sara’s life values ​​and world of thought match up really well. When both are serious about sports, it helps in everyday life. The daily life of an athlete is quite simple, we eat, train and sleep, says Lappalainen.

– Everyday life is so much easier when both of you understand why you should always choose the jogging path instead of the cinema, Kuivisto says.

Kuivisto has been training all summer and has already run good races. In the Kaleva Games, he won 800 and 1500 meters.

– Many times in the spring I thought about what will become of this and whether I will even be able to start. I’m really happy.

Kuivisto, who is in good shape, was selected for the upcoming European Championships in Munich. He believes he will run 800 meters in Germany.

Lappalainen is recovering at a good pace, and is not yet thinking about continuing his ice ball or cycling career.

– Now there is no rush to decide anything.

The spring summer of difficulties has taught both of them what is important in life.

– Of course, this has been quite a year full of challenges. At the moment, it feels like there can only be one direction, up, says Lappalainen.

– Well, that’s just how it is. This has given a somewhat similar perspective to the whole life, that health and spirit are the most important. Sports are just sports after all, adds Kuivisto.
