Thornberg is called to the justice committee

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

It is Bassem Nasr, legal policy spokesperson for the Green Party, who calls the national police chief.

— I mean that there are ambiguities that need to be cleared up. Otherwise, trust risks being affected both internally and from the public. In the request, I have written that there were reports of irregularities surrounding a number of managers. This applies, among other things, to Mats Löfving, who has been reported to the police, he tells Expressen.

On Monday, Expressen was able to reveal that Deputy National Police Chief Mats Löfving was reported to the police last year for serious breach of peace, unlawful persecution and molestation. The designated victim was Linda Staaf, Noah’s intelligence chief.

However, Chief Prosecutor Anders Jakobsson for special investigations quickly decided not to initiate a preliminary investigation.
