Thomas Wassberg’s son has grown up and followed a completely different path in life than his father – this is how he looks today

He is one of our most popular athletes of all time.
Thomas Wassberg has won four Olympic golds and three WC golds.
In 1987 he became the father of a son who has grown up and taken a completely different path in life.

When you think of great Swedish sporting heroes in history, it is Thomas Wassberg a name that quickly pops up. He is one of our very best skiers of all time and celebrated great success on the track during the 80s.

Wassberg’s career

Wassberg won a total of four Olympic golds, three World Cup golds and collected a total of 11 championship medals during his heyday as a cross-country skier. After his sports career, we have seen Thomas in several different television programs such as “Let’s Dance”, “Master of Champions”, “Over the Atlantic” and “The Island Sweden”.

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150219 Thomas Wassberg stands on Lugnet during the ladies’ sprint during the Ski World Championships on February 19, 2015 in Falun. Photo: Nils Jakobsson / BILDBYRÅN / code NJ / 74058

He is still with his wife today Ulrike Wieser after they met back in the 70s.
– Thomas is the kindest person in the world. Very stubborn and he can’t sit still either. He loves being outdoors. When we met as young people, a chemistry arose between us that we built on. I had no idea who he was when we first met, says Ulrike in the newspaper Senioren.

Son Björn today

The skiing legend has, together with his wife Ulrike, one child, namely the son Björn Wieser who has taken the mother’s surname. He was born in 1987, the same year Wassberg won double World Cup gold in Oberstdorf, but has mostly stayed out of the limelight over the years and life as a child celebrity.

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870319 Skiing, World Cup, Holmenkollen: Thomas Wassberg, Sweden with his child. Photo: BILDBYRÅN / 10403

When father Thomas was on the TV4 program Let’s Dance, only the wife was there to cheer, son Björn never wanted to be part of the TV broadcasts. Just like his father, he also started skiing as a child, but ended that venture already in his teens, according to the son himself, he was “too lazy” to rise to the elite level.

READ MORE: Thomas Wassberg’s rage after all the years of silence – airs his enormous criticism: “I’m damn disappointed in Sweden”

But Björn never experienced that there were expectations for him to be as successful in cross-country skiing as his father.
– If you come to a competition in the same car as Thomas Wassberg, it’s clear that people will see it. But I never noticed that there was any extra pressure, he has said in an interview with Expressen.

Today, Björn Wieser is approaching 40 years old and lives in Åre. He has chosen a completely different path in life than his skiing hero father and works as a chef. Here below you can see a new picture of him.

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