Thomas Wassberg’s grief after the tragedy last night – strong words from the legend: “It’s tragic”

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Åsarnas Skicenter was an iconic building for Swedish cross-country skiing.
Last night it was destroyed in a fire.
– It is tragic, says Thomas Wassberg.
However, no one has been injured.

It was around 03:00 on the night of Wednesday that the emergency services were called to the Åsarnas Skicenter facility. Åsarna has been the home club of several Swedish legends over the years, including Thomas Wassberg, Jan Ottosson and Torgny Mogren. There has also been a museum with memories from the legends’ careers.

Burned down last night

But last night the facility burned down. The emergency services tell Östersunds-Posten that the ski center was completely engulfed in flames, and that it then went quickly. The building could not be saved, but there are no reports of any injuries.

150219 Thomas Wassberg before the prologue of the ladies’ sprint during the Ski World Championships on February 19, 2015 in Falun. Photo: Nils Jakobsson / BILDBYRÅN / code NJ / 86934

But there are many who mourn the building’s disappearance. In addition to riding for the club, Thomas Wassberg has also been chairman.

– I know it burned down and it’s tragic of course, says Wassberg according to Expressen.

– There are a lot of memories from there. I helped build that, so it’s sad in that way. There has been some skiing history there. It’s boring, it’s boring, he continues.

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“Terribly boring”

Even Torgny Mogren mourns the news when he finds out what has happened.

– Oh, damn it. No, how terribly boring. It feels incredibly difficult. It has been a big thing in the village, he says.

Photo: Rescue service Jämtland

However, Mogren says that all the WC medals are in safe custody, when he is asked what was actually in the building.

– A bit of a curiosity. Skis from our careers and a lot of SC medals. However, all the Olympic and World Cup golds were copies, because we were afraid they would be stolen. It feels good that we made the copies, not least now.

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