PHOTO: Bildbyrån
Thomas Wassberg is forever one of our biggest skiing kings.
But there is one thing few know about the old cross-country skier.
A heartwarming and selfless act that has now been revealed.
Cross-country skiing may be very popular these days, but it can’t be compared to the glory days of the 80s. Back then, skiing was Sweden’s major national sport and there were two great ski kings in it Thomas Wassberg and Gunde Swan.
Wassberg’s career
They inspired and challenged each other on the ski slopes during a blue-yellow heyday where the iconic duo reaped incredible success in the winter months. Wassberg won four Olympic golds, three World Cup golds and was awarded both the Bragdguldet and the Norwegian Holmenkollen medal during his fantastic career.
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Above all, he became world famous for his huge winning skull and unique personality, Thomas really drove his own style all the way. After the active career, he has continued to dedicate his life to skiing and is still active in his home club Åsarnas IK.
Thomas’ new life
Otherwise, it is now a quiet life together with the wife Ulrike Wieserwhom he met in Austria already as a 22-year-old.
– Thomas is the kindest person in the world. Very stubborn and he can’t sit still either. He loves being outdoors. When we met as young people, a chemistry arose between us that we built on. I had no idea who he was when we first met, says the wife in an interview with the newspaper Senioren.
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At the same time, a big secret about Wassberg and his wife is also revealed, which is so incredibly heartwarming and selfless. For several years now, they have chosen to open up their house and act as a family home for vulnerable children.
Beautiful gesture
Mostly Swedish children, but in recent years two unaccompanied Afghan boys have lived with them in Åsarna.
– One of them still has the room, although he takes care of himself these days. The fact that they have lived with us has meant that you get some insight into how they feel in these countries, otherwise you would never have thought about Afghanistan. You get a little perspective…, Wassberg admits to the newspaper.
READ MORE: When Thomas Wassberg provoked bilious fever on Petter Northug – and Gunde Svan was also drawn in: “You can greet him…”
Thomas Wassberg also recognizes his wife’s description of him as non-restless and constantly on the move. The 67-year-old certainly does not want to become an old man who just sits.
– No, then you must be damn bad! It will take a while. I like to have things to do. Then I can sit down in front of the TV for a couple of hours too, of course. I mostly watch news and nature programs. And sports. Rally is fun to watch. You’ve driven so much on bad roads, maybe that’s why it’s fun. I’ve gone along a few times in a rally car too, it was lovely. When you’re not used to going at that speed, you get a bit of a shock, he says in the interview.
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