This week’s valley news: Gas fire, mosquito tips and Classic car week

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

• The gas fire in Staberg

Fire in a gas warehouse outside Falun – everyone in the area is asked to go indoors • The gas explosion in Falun – this has happened • The rescue service about the explosive fire outside Falun: “I would almost describe it as a war zone” • Bo about the powerful explosions from the fire at Staberg: “We thought the military blew up practice”• “Now the unthinkable has happened” – Gunilla in Staberg saw the flames from the window

Classic Car Week

The police on the trend at the car meeting: “More young people in circulation – 14-year-olds among the car crew” • Ulla and Börje Thulin moved to Rättvik after the Classic Car Week visit • The Classic Car Week visitors are not worried about air pollution – “I think it is worse in the big cities ” • Great financial gain for Rättvik’s associations • Sigge from Karlstad competed in the box car competition at Classic car week

• Mosquito control

No mosquito plague at the lower Dalälven – but the danger is not over yet • The mosquito expert lists: How to protect yourself against mosquitoes in the best way

• More rule breakers at Fulufjället

Visitors break rules at Fulufjället – ban on climbing, cycling and drones • Robin and daughter were saved in Fulufjället: “You shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help”

Dalhalla in Rättvik

Record summer for Dalhalla in Rättvik – never sold so many tickets for a concert summer
