This week’s news from Gävleborg | SVT News

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

• A woman is arrested on suspicion of murdering the woman in Forsa

Defender: He can neither admit nor deny the crime

• Gävle residents about wind turbines: “Bullshit” and “It always blows here”

Gävle municipality currently has no wind turbines subject to a permit. Hear the Gävle residents’ thoughts about the wind turbines in the video.

• After years of unbearable mosquito plague – now you can live by Nedre Dalälven again

Gysinge resident Rolf Lundén: “Mosquitoes died – now people dare to bet”

• Julia and Olia fled Ukraine – this is how life in Gammelboning has become

Lives with his “Swedish mother” • The men still remain in Ukraine

• The first time for Färila Pride: “Everywhere people live, a fight for rights is always needed”

Rainbow race is one of the activities during the week
