This way of eating your bread makes it much more digestible (and gives it a nutty taste)

This way of eating your bread makes it much more

Our nutritionist has a simple secret…

In France, bread is part of the basis of our diet. It is present at every meal and even in our snacks. And for good reason, it is an excellent health ally that contributes significantly to our energy needs. 100 grams of bread (or about 3 slices) provide us with about 10% of our daily caloric intake (carbohydrates, vegetable proteins, B vitamins, etc.). But bread is not always very digestible, especially for those who have intestinal problems. Fortunately, a very simple tip can remedy this problem.

It is entirely possible to enjoy eating bread without suffering from digestive problems. You just need to know how to eat it correctly. It is all about dosage: “Set yourself a limit on the amount of bread you will eat during the day,” advises Dr. Laurence Plumey, nutritionist, in his book “The Big Book of Food” published by Eyrolles©. She recommends eating one to two slices of bread in the morning and one slice at lunch and dinner. This represents a portion of about 100 grams per day, or the famous 3 slices. Be careful, this advice does not apply if your meals are made up of starchy foods. In this case, fill your plate well and do not eat bread during the meal. “It’s one or the other”.

As for the type of bread to choose, whole grain breads (those that are brown-gray) with wholemeal flours (such as bran) or multiple grains are generally better digested compared to white bread made with refined flour. In addition, they provide as much fiber as a large plate of vegetables and more vitamins and minerals compared to white bread.

If, despite these tips, bread remains difficult to digest, the expert has a little secret: just toast it! Toasted bread is not poorer in nutritional elements than fresh bread. On the contrary, since the cooking time is very short, it loses 30% of water and is more concentrated in nutrients than fresh bread. This tip is effective especially for people suffering from diarrhea and constipation.
