This violent habit is common among 77% of French people

This violent habit is common among 77 of French people

According to a study, 77% of French people often adopt this violent behavior, and for more than one in ten, it is even daily.

Violence is unfortunately present on a daily basis, and the French are not left out. 77% of them share a violent habit towards other people, according to a recent survey Viavoicecarried out for Macif and the Jean Jaurès Foundation with 2000 adults residing in France. 65% engage in this behavior “from time to time”, but 12% use it “every day”. This even rises to 17% for 25-34 year olds.

More than 8 in 10 French people believe, according to the study, that this form of violence has increased in recent years. She expresses herself mainly on social networks, but also in the street or in the car. 82% deplore this phenomenon because it does not allow them to “solve problems”, and even for 75%, this is not necessary.

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What exactly are we talking about? Well, these 77% of French people actually resort to insults towards others. This demonstrates a certain trivialization of verbal violence in our society in recent years. Certain insults are very common, such as “asshole” or “cunt”, cited by 48% of respondents. For 27%, these are the ones they use most often, followed by “con” and “conne”. “Asshole” comes in third position with 31% of people having mentioned it, mainly among those aged 50 and over.

63% of French people also believe that this verbal violence can then encourage physical violence. A situation experienced by 33% of those questioned and mainly among 18-24 year olds and 25-34 year olds (43 and 42% of those concerned). This violence is often attributed to a lack of civility (56%), discipline (38%) and education (33%). For more than half of French people, “doing prevention” would therefore be possible to avoid getting to this point.

As a reminder, such behavior may be criminally punishable. reminds that if “you are the victim of insult, you can file a complaint so that the author of the offense is punished. You can also request damages for the damage suffered”. A public insult is punished more severely than an insult in a private context: a fine of up to 12,000 euros compared to only 38 euros, an amount which increases if the nature of the insult is discriminatory.
