This unique beer was made by Indians in the Amazon, it’s ingenious, but you won’t want to drink it…

This unique beer was made by Indians in the Amazon

A sweet beer made from cassava, nothing very surprising… Except that the Nihamanchi has other ingredients.

Beer is perhaps the alcoholic drink most shared by humanity, so many different versions of it are discovered around the world. When we look into the subject, we discover many manufacturing processes, a variety of tastes and levels of bitterness.

But the most amazing beer is undoubtedly the one called Nihamanchï. This is made by several Indian people in the Amazon, with a few recipe variations, but it is based on an identical principle: it is brewed from chewed cassava tubers to then be placed in large jars in which they ferment in … saliva.

This Nijimanche beer is not found in Western bars and supermarkets, you will have to go to Peru, Brazil, Ecuador or Peru, and meet the Indians Tirios, Shuara, Achuara, Aguaruna or Maynaest to taste it if you feel like it.

Know in any case, if you manage to overcome your apprehensions related to swallowing fermented saliva, that this beer is very rich in nutrients and that it can constitute a solid food base; as the anthropologist José Arnalot points out in “What the Achuara taught me“, it is also consumed in large quantities by the Indians, sometimes up to 4 to 5 liters per day.
