This type of underwear is dangerous for women (and you may be wearing it)

This type of underwear is dangerous for women and you

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    Opting for style over comfort is a tempting decision when choosing women’s underwear. But one type of lingerie in particular would expose you to some trouble… far from sexy.

    When it comes to lingerie, are you more of a “comfort” type above all? Still sexy? Or a bit of both? Some countries do not give you a choice. Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan have in fact banned lace panties for their citizens since 2014. And their decision does not come from any modesty. But there is a health concern: lace would be dangerous for feminine hygiene. Are they telling the truth?

    What’s wrong with lace?

    Two gynecologists answered this question in HuffPost last April. According to them, only cotton would be truly popular for dressing your private parts. In fact, it helps wick away moisture and keeps the vaginal area clean and fresh, thanks to an absorbent and breathable material. Furthermore, due to its softness, cotton is much less likely to cause vulvar irritation. The complete opposite of lace which, if it is fine and decorative, cannot take care of your crotch.

    So, if you wear lace panties without a cotton insert, moisture could accumulate, allowing yeast and bacteria to develop. Yeast overgrowth can then cause uncomfortable infections, which can in turn lead to an imbalance of healthy bacteria in the vagina.”and cause a bacterial vaginosis (VB)”, according to Dr. Erica Montes, obstetrician-gynecologist. An even greater risk in people who are diabetic or pregnant.

    Fortunately today, between granny panties and lace thongs, there is a wide range of underwear that combines comfort and style. It is therefore possible to remain sexy without risking catching a yeast infection.

    • First imperative: opt for underwear with a cotton crotch that allows you to wear the item in lace or any material, but with the comfort of cotton where it matters most;
    • Reserve lace for convenient times: in winter, it’s better, when perspiration is less. Or on a special occasion, but not in everyday life or when you exercise;
    • Wash your underwear with fragrance-free detergent and avoid fabric softeners;
    • Wear underwear that fits your size, as anything too tight can increase the risk of infection or irritation.

    Finally, according to experts, we are not equal in the face of infection either. Despite the latest precautions, some people will continue to develop vaginal infections or vulvar irritation. In this case, it is wiser and more comfortable to give up on lace slips and run to a model that will not cause you any trouble.

    Intimate hygiene: mistakes not to make

    Slide: Intimate hygiene: mistakes not to make
