This trick on the Apple Watch can save lives, the proof with this student

This trick on the Apple Watch can save lives the

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In this period of pandemicmanufacturers of connected watches are constantly promoting the sensors health related. The taking of pulse in real time or monitoring the sleep are the best-known examples, but by digging into the options, you can discover functions to monitor the stress or measure blood oxygenation.

This is the case with the Apple Watch, and an Australian nursing student strongly encourages owners ofAppleWatch enable their “Heart Health Levels” notifications. Indeed, in a video posted on TikTokshe reveals, with supporting graphics, how her watch had detected changes in her health and that a notification system should have made her understand earlier that something was wrong.

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In this videoshe shows that her blood oxygen levels had dropped dramatically in October, and for her it was a sign that ” his cardiovascular system wasn’t working as well as it used to.”. This Australian explains that this drop corresponded to the beginning of her other symptomsi.e. fatigue, flushing of heatweight gain, dry skin and general irritability.

It was only two months later that he was diagnosed with thyroid hemiagenesisa anomaly very rare congenital gland thyroid. ” Don’t get me wrong, your Apple Watch is certainly not something to be followed as medical advice, but it can be useful as a tool to prompt you to do further investigation.she explains. About me, I really regret not turning on all the settings, noticing the changes, and going to see the doctor sooner. »

Notifications warn of any trouble

As this student explains, “Heart Health Levels” notifications can help users spot potential health issues like too high or too low heart rates, orarrhythmia. To turn on Apple Watch health notifications, go toapplication “Apple Watch” on your iPhone, then tap “My Watch”. Scroll down to “Heart”. There you can configure your application EKG to detect any signs of atrial fibrillation indicating your minimum and maximum heart rates. This concerns all Apple Watches from 4 to 7, with the exception of the Apple Watch SE.

Next, you need to enable “Heart Health Levels” notifications. Another adjustment to be made is the configuration of the “Blood oxygen” application and the measurements in the background. Open the “Health” app on your iPhone. Press “Browse”, then select “Respiratory, Blood Oxygen” and “Enable”.

Once the configuration is complete, open the application ” blood oxygen on your Apple Watch to measure your blood oxygen levels. This measurement is only available for Apple Watch 6 and 7, and it requires standing still for 15 seconds. If the value is less than 95%, it is advisable to talk to your doctor.

Apple Watch: the connected watch saved the lives of two people

In the US, Apple’s smartwatch saved the life of a teenage girl with undetected kidney disease and a man with a ruptured ulcer. In both cases, the Apple Watch detected an abnormally high heart rate and triggered an alert.

Posted on 03/05/2018 by Marc Zaffagni

After helping Australian police confuse the murderess supposedly a retiree, theAppleWatch has just distinguished itself by helping to save the lives of two people in the United States. Indeed, the heart rate sensor of the connected watch from Apple was able to detect an alarming level and recommended the consultation of a doctor urgently.

The first case involves an 18-year-old girl living in Tampa, Florida. While she was in a church, her Apple Watch alerted her on his resting heart rate which reached 190 beats per minute. The watch recommended medical consultation as soon as possible. Taken to the emergency room by her nurse mother, the teenager was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease which she did not know she was suffering from.

A study has proven the effectiveness of connected watches

The second story is that of William Monzidelis. This 32-year-old man was at work when he started feeling dizzy. His Apple Watch issued an alert warning him that his heartbeat was at an alarming level. Soon after, he started bleeding from his mouth and went to the emergency room. Assessment: William suffered from a ruptured ulcer which caused severe bleeding. Without the warning from his connected watch, he would not have reacted quickly enough to avoid the tragedy.

According to one study conducted by the University of California at San Francisco, connected watches such as Apple Watch or Android Wear are sensitive enough to detect abnormal heart rhythms with an accuracy of 97%.

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