This triangular sign is being installed in the city: here is what cyclists are allowed to do

This triangular sign is being installed in the city here

If you live in the city, you must have seen this triangular sign under a traffic light. It is the nightmare of some drivers and pedestrians and here is what it means.

The Highway Code is sometimes quite complex for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians who must be extra vigilant. And when new signs appear and are not well known, they can create confusion. A situation that many motorists experience. And the case of this triangular sign is not likely to improve things. If you pay attention when you drive in town, you have probably seen it installed under a traffic light. This M12 sign appeared a few years ago in several cities in France, including Lyon, Paris, Anthony, Puy, Charleville-Mézières, and since last June in Cagnes-sur-Mer.

It was first tested in France in 2008 as part of policies aimed at encouraging soft mobility. It was then integrated into the Highway Code in 2010. Since then, mayors have been authorized to set up this system. The aim is to facilitate the circulation of bicycles in urban areas with other vehicles. But its meaning is not always understood by everyone.

In concrete terms, if you see a sign in the shape of a triangle, pointing downwards, surrounded by a red outline and a yellow bicycle pictogram in the center, this means that cyclists can go through the red light in the direction indicated by the arrow, and this, completely legally. The red light thus becomes a give way sign provided that they give priority to pedestrians and vehicles in the other lane having the green light.

For the authorities, this device is there to smooth the flow of bicycles, particularly in areas where it would be pointless for them to stop completely, while ensuring their safety as well as that of other road users. It is still necessary for it to be well known and spotted by everyone, especially by the most vulnerable pedestrians such as the elderly, young people or the visually impaired.
