This treatment is a glimmer of hope for orthopedic patients

This treatment is a glimmer of hope for orthopedic patients

Orthopedic diseases cover all joints, bones, muscles and related tissues (vessels, nerves, spinal cord) from the arms, legs, spine and pelvis areas, or in other words, from the skull base to the nail tip. Cartilage damaged in orthopedic diseases cannot regenerate and heal itself. Therefore, special treatment is required for these diseases. Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist Dr. Tarık Elma stated that different cellular treatment methods have been developed with stem cell therapy in recent years, especially for the movement system, and said that the aim here is to accelerate the restructuring process of tissues that are difficult to produce, such as cartilage, and to increase the rate of restructuring.


Stating that orthopedic patients who have joint pain complaints but do not want to have surgery early or do not want to have surgery, stem cell therapy is applied to prevent the progression of calcification and to ensure the healing of cartilage. Tarık Elma said, “This form of treatment stands out as an effective method in cases such as muscle, tendon and meniscus tears. The cells we define as stem cells are the main cells in our body. These cells exist from birth and have the potential to transform into all cells in our body. For example, when tissue damage occurs in a part of the body, these cells can heal the damaged tissue or repair that tissue by imitating it.



Dr. Stating that the stem cells used in orthopedics are mostly obtained from the bone marrow or the patient’s own fat tissue, Tarık Elma said, “Local anesthesia is applied during the removal of the cells so that the patient does not feel pain. Stem cells in the fat tissue taken from the pelvis or umbilicus are subjected to some procedures under sterile conditions. After these special procedures, which last about 30 minutes, pure stem cells are obtained to apply to the patient. Stating that the replicated cells are applied to the problematic areas, the treatment is provided. Elma said that the method of application of the stem cell is determined according to the patient.



Stating that stem cell application should be done in the operating room and under sterile conditions, Dr. Tarık Elma said, “In the traditional method, pure stem cells taken from the patient were applied directly into the damaged joint. In the recently popular method, the damaged joint is entered with the help of a small camera and the relevant area is imaged, and this area is specially prepared for stem cells. The stem cells are then applied directly to the damaged area. In this way, the effect of transplanted stem cells on the damaged area is increased.” Dr. Tarık Elma emphasized that the procedure is very simple and the patient can walk and return to his normal life immediately after the application, adding that the stem cell method can be safely applied especially in knee, hip, ankle and shoulder calcification, meniscus tears and muscle and tendon damage.
