Having wrinkle-free clothes and not using an iron is possible. We’ll explain!
Although a relatively easy task, ironing is hated by many, for the simple reason that it can take a long time, even with a state-of-the-art iron or steam generator. If you are one of the many people who prefer to wear wrinkled clothes rather than iron them, we have good news. It is entirely possible to have impeccable, wrinkle-free outfits without using an iron with these few professional tips. I promise, it’s within everyone’s reach.
First of all, it is important to hang your laundry properly when you put it to dry. Ideally, shake out your shirts, tees and dresses and hang them to dry on a hanger. Then, store them preferably in a wardrobe. If you must fold them, use the rolling technique. Instead of folding your clothes, try rolling them. This method is especially useful for lightweight fabrics like cotton and synthetics. Rolling clothes reduces the chances of wrinkles forming compared to traditional folding.
Pro tips also include taking a hot shower while hanging your wrinkled clothes in the bathroom at the same time. The steam will help relax the fibers and smooth out wrinkles. An alternative to this tip is to boil water in a kettle and hang the clothes over the steam, about 30cm.

You can also use a homemade wrinkle remover spray. Simply mix water, a little white vinegar or fabric softener in a spray and lightly spray your clothes with the product, then gently pull them to remove wrinkles.
Clothing such as shirts or dresses may be extremely wrinkled. It is sometimes difficult not to go through the ironing box. To make it easier, you can place aluminum foil between the ironing board and your garment. Be careful to check that the aluminum is very smooth, and the shiny side facing upwards for maximum heat reflection. When you iron your garment, the aluminum will amplify the heat and reduce the number of passes necessary thanks to its reflective surface which allows both sides of the fabric to be ironed simultaneously.
Finally, a hair dryer can be used to remove small creases. Lightly dampen the wrinkled areas with water or your wrinkle remover spray, then use the hair dryer on low heat to dry and smooth the clothes. Gently pull the fabric while blow-drying for optimal results.