This time, the FTC has entered a legal battle with Amazon

1695785475 This time the FTC has entered a legal battle with

One of the world’s largest shopping companies Amazon, with some pretty bad FTC-centered news for him today. on the agenda.

The latest from Microsoft Activision Blizzard Notable for his failure in his struggle to prevent him from acquiring the gaming company. US Federal Trade Commission (FTC)this time one of the world’s largest shopping companies Amazon He got into a legal battle with. The Federal Trade Commission and several US-based state attorneys general, by filing a comprehensive antitrust lawsuit against the company He stated that the e-commerce giant unlawfully used its market dominance to eliminate possible competitors. An ambitious person who makes a statement on the subject FTC Chairwoman Lina Khanan attempt to illegally maintain Amazon’s monopoly in the space. The series conveys that it uses punitive and coercive tactics. According to Khan, Amazon has used its monopoly power to become steadily richer and to make ever-higher prices that the millions of American families who shop on its platform and the hundreds of thousands of businesses that rely on Amazon to reach them must pay. It is possible that shopping debit will receive a strong penalty from the FTC in this regard, but there is still a long time before the final decision is made. Before this, Amazon had made a splash with a major investment plan. The company aims to strengthen its hand against giants such as Microsoft, Meta, Google and Nvidia on the artificial intelligence side. Anthropic He is planning an investment of up to $4 billion in his company. It is reported that shopping giant Anthropic was initially interested in a minority stake. Investing $1.25 billionAmazon’s total investment as part of the agreement signed between the two There is an option to increase it to 4 billion dollars.

