this Thursday, his program presented to the press

this Thursday his program presented to the press

MACRON SPEECH. This Thursday, March 17, Emmanuel Macron puts on his candidate’s uniform for the 2022 presidential election to present his program at a press conference in Seine-Saint-Denis. A speech and a question-and-answer session are planned to detail the project of the outgoing president.

The essential

  • Emmanuel Macron must present his ambitions and list the key measures of his program for the 2022 presidential election this Thursday, March 17, at 3 p.m.
  • The outgoing president and official candidate for re-election since March 3 has already distilled some important measures from his program: the postponement of the legal retirement age to 65, the abolition of the audiovisual license fee or the allocation of 15 billion additional euros in five years at the Ministry of Defence. These and other measures must be specified during Emmanuel Macron’s speech.
  • After a speech of almost an hour, the candidate Macron should answer questions from journalists present at the press conference on his program according to the campaign team.
  • Follow Emmanuel Macron’s speech on his program live.


13:11 – A tripled “Macron” bonus on the program

Among the measures already announced by Emmanuel Macron there is also the tripling of the Macron bonus, an already “exceptional” bonus which could be reinforced. Paid by the employer, without social contributions or taxes, the bonus could go up to 1000 euros for employees earning less than three times the minimum wage.

12:54 – The four “pacts” of Emmanuel Macron’s program

More than isolated measures, Emmanuel Macron also gave clues to the main axes of his program. During his trip to Poissy on Monday March 7, the candidate mentioned four pacts on which he wishes to focus if he is elected for a second term: a European pact, a pact between generations, a productive pact and a republican pact. . According to the few explanations given by the candidate, these pacts reflect his desire to build a strong Europe in which France would have a place of choice but also the ambition to strengthen France by making it more independent thanks to a better production policy. . The pact between generations represents the social side of Emmanuel Macron’s program, a subject on which the candidate has spoken less.

12:39 – Pension reform on the program of Emmanuel Macron’s speech

The essence of Emmanuel Macron’s program must be presented for the first time this Thursday, but since the formalization of his candidacy, the candidate and his campaign team have voluntarily exposed key measures – and one could say shocks – of the presidential project. This was the case for the announcement on maintaining the pension reform with which Emmanuel Macron intends to push back the legal retirement age to 65 and abolish all special schemes. The proposal was already on candidate Macron’s program in 2017 but never came to fruition because it was prevented by the opposition and then delayed by the health crisis.

12:30 – Macron plans an hour of speeches to present his program

Emmanuel Macron’s campaign team estimated that the press conference could last between three and four hours to explain all the points of Emmanuel Macron’s program. The candidate will begin his presentation with an introductory speech of almost an hour to highlight the guidelines of his presidential project and the key measures before answering questions from the assembly of journalists.

12:28 – Emmanuel Macron unveils his program

Accustomed to speeches and press conferences, it is this format that Emmanuel Macron has chosen to unveil his program. It is as a candidate for the 2022 presidential election that the outgoing president will speak this Thursday, March 17, from 3 p.m., at the Docks de Paris, in Seine-Saint-Denis.

It is a lightning presidential campaign that Emmanuel Macron lives. After the formalization of his candidacy in a letter to the French published on the evening of March 3 in the regional press titles, the contender for a second term at the Elysee Palace decided to present his program at a press conference on Thursday. March 17. Emmanuel Macron’s campaign team has announced a meeting of nearly three hours or more, which will start at 3 p.m. with a long introductory remark by Emmanuel Macron. Will follow the traditional questions of the press to the candidate on the entirety of its program. Emmanuel Macron chose to go to the Docks de Paris, in Aubervilliers in Seine-Saint-Denis, to present his entire presidential project.

Without having published an official program, the candidate Macron has already given the course he would like to follow if he is elected for a second term at the Elysée. During his first campaign trip to Poissy on March 7, the candidate of La République en Marche mentioned the four pacts on which he intends to act: a European pact, a pact between generations, a productive pact and a republican pact. He also announced some measures, some of which had already been announced, and sometimes promised, in 2017, such as pension reform. The candidate and his campaign team have confirmed their desire to push back the retirement age to 65, against 62 today, as well as the abolition of all special schemes. A project defended body and soul because “given the fact that we live longer and longer, and that’s good, we must shift the legal age and pass it 65 years”, explained Emmanuel Macron on TF1 on Monday 14 March.

In his letter to the French, Emmanuel Macron said he wanted to give priority “to the school and to our teachers” for the next five years to restore “republican meritocracy”. The purchasing power of the French also promises to be a substantial part of the Emmanuel Macron’s program because the subject is the primary concern of voters after two years of health crisis, on this point he notably promised not to increase taxes. Health, energy transition and security are also key issues in the campaign on which the candidate must express himself.
